Category: Gem Wisdom

Gemstones Five Ways to Work with Lepidolite

Five Ways to Work with Lepidolite

In the world of crystals, there are few stones as revered for their soothing properties as lepidolite. This natural, crystalized…

Holidays 5 Ways to Celebrate the Magic of Mabon

5 Ways to Celebrate the Magic of Mabon

Here we are, gathering together for another beautiful fall season! Turning the Great Wheel once again, we say our grateful…

Crystals Athena’s Top 12 Crystals for Healing

Athena’s Top 12 Crystals for Healing

Have you ever been curious about crystal healing? You don’t have to be an expert (or have any desire to…

Goddess Guide Goddess Guide: Breathwork for Beginners

Goddess Guide: Breathwork for Beginners

I’m a super-fan when it comes to breathwork – I LOVE it! To me, breathwork is as close as you…

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