Light Codes
Light codes have always been a subject of major fascination for me.
- What are light codes?
- Are light codes and light languages the same thing?
- What do light languages look or sound like?
- How do we transmit them?
- How do light codes relate to healing, astral or inter-dimensional travel, or energy work?
Light codes are your personal frequency transmissions, your cosmic fingerprints. Every living being is encoded at birth with a specific set of codes that they are to transmit during their lifetime; it is the goal of many lightworkers to understand their codes as well as their methods of transmission.
You express a light code, for example, when you look into another person’s eyes, when you pray or bless another person, and when you gift things to another person. Wouldn’t you like to know more about what you are sharing, how, and why?
“Your words are only 10% of the energy you transmit. Everything else is code.”
In my four-part light codes series, I’m going to take you through the who, what, where, when, and why: Who are we, why do we need light codes, where do they come from, when do we use them, who needs to receive them, and how do we transmit them?
Light Codes I: Beginning the Journey.
This session is $20, and there are no prerequisites to register. Click here for more.
Light Codes II: Activating the Diamond Code.
Continue your light code discoveries as you activate the highest form of consciousness and unlock the dormant diamond codes within you. Did you know that Diamond Codes connect into the earth’s crystalline grid and extend to the far corners of the universe? Experience increased wellness, healing, prosperity, peace and passion on a level you have never experienced before. This session is $20, and there are no prerequisites to register. Click here for more.
Light Codes III: Transmuting Dark Codes.
While Light Code was designed to create unity consciousness and bring forth healing, happiness, and prosperity, Dark Code exists to separate and fragment us, to keep us isolated in fear and anxiety. With darkness and negativity spreading across the world more and more every day, it is our job as light workers to learn to purify and transmute this energy, so that we may use it to serve the greater good. This session is $20, and there are no prerequisites to register. Click here for more.
Light Codes IV: Dark Codes and Portals.
Does something feel off in your energy field? If someone or something just doesn’t seem to align, but you can’t put your finger on it, this session is for you. In Light Codes Part IV on Dark Code, I’ll help you assess if there’s dark code in your energy field and teach you how to transmute it. I will also teach you all about portals and how to use crystals to open portals. Portals are access points to other dimensions for frequencies of healing and transformation. This session is $20, and there are no prerequisites to register. Click here for more.
“If you want to experience profound healing on multiple levels, working with codes is an excellent place to begin. Come learn with me how to activate light codes to heal yourself, heal others, and even heal our planet, which needs our loving attention more now than ever”.
All beings have light codes – but not all beings remember or have access to theirs. This course will help you remember and become aware of your greater purpose. You came to this life to have these energetic experiences; you wanted free will, you wanted to see what your gifts were, and you sought the chance to engage powerfully with your gifts in this lifetime. After exploring this series, you will know how to use your unique light codes to unlock new levels of wisdom. All beings have light codes – but not all beings remember or have access to theirs. This course will help you remember and become aware of your greater purpose. You will be able to access your codes on demand and then if you desire, you can channel a set of symbols for your unique codes or find other interesting ways to communicate them. After all, most cosmic languages are symbol-based and are not spoken.
The most powerful languages in the world are those not spoken;
- your gemstones are languages
- your essential oils are languages
- your body is a form of language
- your kiss and your touch are languages
- and the way you smell is a language
You are communicating all the time; I will teach you how to make your constant communication more intentional.
Light codes are the keys to our freedom as third dimensional beings. They allow you to see your problems from a different perspective. When you are dancing on the dance floor of life, you have no perspective on what is happening; when you elevate, lift up, and rise above, accessing more subtle methods of communication, you gain perspective, clarity, and power. Join me to activate codes you will use for a lifetime, and learn how your own soul gifts can be used to help the world.