Tell the energy vampires to “take a hike!” with this Natural Black Amber! Black amber is a serious stone medicine for protection. It works like a negativity filter, creating an energy shield around you, only allowing what serves to enter your field. Black amber activates the Root Chakra, rooting and grounding you to the earth. Work with this stone to feel safe, secure, and held by the universe.
The deeper magic of this Natural Black Amber
Amber is a stone of the light, emanating abundant warmth. As such, it’s a deeply protective ally that prevents psychic attacks, heals soul trauma, and readily repels anything dark. Amber will surround you with an energetic shield, making you feel safe and held. Like all amber, this gem also activates the Solar Plexus Chakra, bringing physical healing, optimism, and igniting your personal power.
Amber is an amorphous crystal and amorphous crystals fall into the scientific category of amorphous solids. Amorphous solids are formed due to the sudden cooling of a liquid, melt over a wide range of temperatures, and break to form irregular or curved shapes. The structure of an amorphous solid is virtually indistinguishable from a liquid. They are commonly described as solids that flow like liquids, or liquids that don’t flow. While the structure of amorphous solids is not ordered, they still hold a structure, made up of interconnected structural blocks. There is an inherent quality of mysteriousness in these formations – a mutability creating room for transitions, flexibility, and movement even in solidification. Amorphous crystals exemplify change; the whole process of changing, and the wisdom found in what may not be as it seems.
Envision this stone as your protective cloak and it will hold your energy safe and sound. Work with this Natural Black Amber in meditation, carry it with you, or place it on your bedside table. Rest assured that its protective energy will be present wherever you take it.
This listing is for one (1) Natural Black Amber. I have two sizes to offer you: Medium (about 1-2″) and Large (about 2-3”). Please choose the size that calls to you from the drop-down menu. Yours will arrive lovingly parceled along with a single leaf of white sage and a card describing the properties of the stone.
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