Category: Rituals

Holidays 4 Ways to Embrace Rebirth on Samhain

4 Ways to Embrace Rebirth on Samhain

Without darkness, there would be no light – and without death, there would be no life. On October 31, we’re…

Holidays Ostara – Let there be Light

Ostara – Let there be Light

Ostara & The Spring Equinox Spring draws near, and with the vernal equinox comes Ostara, the goddess and patron deity…

Goddess Guide Goddess Guide: Breathwork for Beginners

Goddess Guide: Breathwork for Beginners

I’m a super-fan when it comes to breathwork – I LOVE it! To me, breathwork is as close as you…

Holidays Hanukkah’s Light Ushers in the Holy-Day Season

Hanukkah’s Light Ushers in the Holy-Day Season

Twenty-five-hundred years ago, a Jewish family witnessed a miracle while resisting their Syrian-Greek rulers. While re-sanctifying the desecrated Holy Temple…

Holidays Beltane – The Springtime Portal of Bliss

Beltane – The Springtime Portal of Bliss

Beltane is one of my favorite Celtic holidays. It honors fertility, abundance, sex, and the growth of everything beautiful on…

Holidays The True Magic of Gifting with Intention

The True Magic of Gifting with Intention

Energetically, in the Northern Hemisphere, we are heading into a season of personal hibernation, when our spirits draw inward and…

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