• Heal Your Relationships Blue Hemimorphite Sphere

      Encourage open communication with those closest to you with this custom Heal Your Relationships Blue Hemimorphite Sphere. This gem is super rare — I can never find much of it, so don’t hesitate! Blue hemimorphite brings overall well-being, soothing and balancing the emotional body. It...
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    • Awareness Gemstone Duo

      for grounded wisdom

      Stay grounded and protected as you channel spiritual wisdom with this Awareness Gemstone Duo! With this offering, you’ll receive tumbled spectrolite and natural black tourmaline. Spectrolite connects you with your innate wisdom and inner knowing and works as a guide through spiritual journeys, helping you...
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    • Sacred Space and Space Holding Beeswax Intention Candle Duo

      My Sacred Space and Space Holding Beeswax Intention Candles are back — and for the FIRST time, I’m offering them as a duo! Each of these magical candles in this Sacred Space and Space Holding Beeswax Intention Candle Duo is hand-rolled with different colors right...
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    • Natural Melanite Garnet

      for psychic protection

      Feel the protective power of this Natural Melanite Garnet! Melanite garnet, also known as black garnet, is a powerful Earth Star and Root Chakra activation stone that offers psychic protection, filters and removes unwanted energies from your field, and preempts psychic challenges before they can...
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    • Angel Aura Tourmalinated Quartz Generator

      for divine protection

      Stay grounded and protected while raising your vibration to celestial heights with this Angel Aura Tourmalinated Quartz Generator. Angel aura tourmalinated quartz is created when platinum, silver, and gold are bonded to tourmalinated quartz. This treatment alone facilitates communication and connection with the ethereal realms,...
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    • Actinolite Psychic Protection Bracelet

      for mental strength

      If you want to overcome negative thinking and stay mentally strong and secure, this Actinolite Psychic Protection Bracelet is for you. This bracelet was custom-made just for Sage Goddess with actinolite — THE most powerful mineral for psychic protection that you can work with next...
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    • Four Directions Bonded Sphere

      to create sacred space

      Call on the magic of North, East, South, and West with this Four Directions Bonded Sphere! This custom-made sphere is made with five different gemstones: Rainbow moonstone for North, yellow aventurine for East, red jasper for South, black tourmaline for West, and quartz for the...
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    • Tourmalinated Quartz Magician Pendant

      for ultimate protection

      Are you searching for shielding and protection magic? Look no further than this stunning Tourmalinated Quartz Magician Pendant, custom-made just for Sage Goddess. This magician’s cut pendant is set in .925 sterling silver and comes with a silver-colored chain. It’s a work of pure, sacred...
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    • Crystalpedia 2023 Monthly Class Purchase

      Unlock the magic of crystal healing with Living Magic Crystalpedia! Crystalpedia is one of four monthly sessions in my Living Magic online program, where you’ll learn how to bring magic to your everyday life – your home, your meditation space, your body, your mind, your...
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    • Blue Kyanite with Garnet in Hornblende Obelisk

      for balance

      It’s BACK! Experience alignment, protection, and clearing all at once with this Blue Kyanite with Garnet in Hornblende Obelisk. The stone for this stunning piece was sourced from Pakistan. This offering is layered with potent crystal magic. Blue kyanite is the most powerful stone for...
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    • New Year, New You Energy Reset Smudging Set

      There’s no better way to start your year off right and full of good energy than this New Year, New You Energy Reset Smudging Set! This set contains everything you need to clear stagnant and unwanted energies and walk into 2023 full of love, health,...
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    • Root Chakra Gemstone Duo

      for stability and grounding

      Every magical practitioner needs tools to keep them feeling safe and connected to the physical world. That sense of security and stability is exactly what this Root Chakra Gemstone Duo brings. I’ve wanted to offer gemstone duos in the shop for a long time, and...
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    • Actinolite Psychic Protection Generator

      for safeguarding

      Shields up! If you are in need of protection while you do your healing work, this Actinolite Psychic Protection Generator is the perfect ally for you! Actinolite is the most powerful mineral for psychic protection that you can work with next to aegirine. The stone...
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    • Alchemy Transmute and Manifest Grid

      for transformation

      Experience transformation on all levels and reveal your true inner self to the world with this incredible Alchemy Transmute and Manifest Grid. Alchemy is a process of transforming one substance, state of being, thought form, or creation into another. It’s the process of becoming YOU...
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    • Diwali Light and Shadow Set

      to spark your inner light

      Diwali falls on October 24 this year, and I created my Diwali Light and Shadow Set for integrating your shadow and sparking your inner light. Diwali is an ancient Hindu festival regarded as one of the most important sacred days – known as the biggest,...
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    • Tumbled Not Your Mother’s Holy Cow Amazonite

      for truth

      If you’re ready to take your communication skills up a notch, this Tumbled Not Your Mother’s Holy Cow Amazonite is your offering. This amazonite from China is microcrystalline quartz with inclusions of goethite, schorl (black tourmaline), albite, pyrite, muscovite, and hematite. Every piece is different,...
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    Showing 81–96 of 125 results