This Naturally Terminated Black Tourmaline radiates potent protective energy, making it the perfect addition to your altar or nightstand. Black tourmaline is a gem of divine and psychic protection that creates an energetic shield around you, deflecting negativity and preventing loss and theft.

Black tourmaline is the most protective stone you can work with. It protects people, places, and things. When it’s permanently bonded with a layer of titanium, as in this piece, you get a talisman of strength and alignment that promotes inner courage.

Black tourmaline is the most protective stone you can work with — it protects people, places, and things. The heart-shaped carving amplifies the love and divine wisdom this stone already brings. Work with this pillowy heart to deflect negativity on the go and wherever you go.

Invoke the wisdom and protection you need to support your spiritual growth with this stunning Gray Feldspar with Black Tourmaline Skull, custom-made just for Sage Goddess.

When we’re in the middle of deep work, transformation, or growth of any kind, it’s important to keep ourselves and our energy safe and secure. That’s where these Ultimate Protection Black Tourmaline Faceted Spheres come in.

Black Tourmaline gets its deep black color from high concentrations of iron, manganese, and titanium, enhancing strength and inner power.