Tag: metaphysical

Holidays 4 Ways to Embrace Rebirth on Samhain

4 Ways to Embrace Rebirth on Samhain

Without darkness, there would be no light – and without death, there would be no life. On October 31, we’re…

Holidays Ostara – Let there be Light

Ostara – Let there be Light

Ostara & The Spring Equinox Spring draws near, and with the vernal equinox comes Ostara, the goddess and patron deity…

Holidays Hanukkah’s Light Ushers in the Holy-Day Season

Hanukkah’s Light Ushers in the Holy-Day Season

Twenty-five-hundred years ago, a Jewish family witnessed a miracle while resisting their Syrian-Greek rulers. While re-sanctifying the desecrated Holy Temple…

Metaphysical/Metaphysics Ley Lines: The World’s Magical Grid

Ley Lines: The World’s Magical Grid

What are ley lines? In 1921, Alfred Watkins developed the concept of ley lines. He believed that ley lines are…

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