Goddess Guide: 6 Ways to Call More Love Into Your Life

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Goddess Guide: 6 Ways to Call More Love Into Your Life

Cupid, is that you? 💘

February’s just around the corner, and with it comes the season of love! In the metaphysical world, it’s no surprise that Valentine’s Day falls in February. February is the second month of the year, and in numerology, the number 2 represents harmony, peace, and partnership – the merging of two as one. In fact, the Two of Cups in the Tarot embodies deep love and unity; a fulfilling relationship built on both physical and spiritual connection. The card depicts a man and woman pledging their love for one another, ready to reach higher states of consciousness and fulfillment together. In this Goddess Guide, I’ll teach you to channel this energy and show you 6 ways to call more love into your life.

Are your heart strings being pulled yet? If that wasn’t already enough, the coming month of astrology will further set the stage for romance! Here’s what cosmic activity you can expect over the next few weeks:

February Forecast: Romance is in the stars 🌠

– On February 3, Venus will enter Capricorn, the hardworking Earth sign who knows how to make things last. Capricorn prioritizes respect and integrity, so when the Cosmic Lady of Love enters its world, it’s time to get on with it and make it count! Use this transit to get real about what you need and deserve – and, if you’re in a relationship, don’t make any promises you can’t keep.

– A few days later, we’ll experience a shift in the communication department. On February 10, Mercury will depart from detached Aquarius and enter Pisces’ realm of romance and imagination, infusing our pillow talk and love letters with an extra dose of mystique. This is a beautiful opportunity to pour your heart into your words. Let your loved ones know how you feel and, if you’re an artist, this is a great time to delve into your work.

– On Valentine’s Day, Mars, the planet that governs our sex drive, will move into sensual and indulgent Taurus. Need I say more? Apart from sexuality, Mars also rules our ability to go after what we desire. Taurus is known to really commit to something – but only after determining if it’s a worthy investment. Is the person you’re lusting after going to add real, long-term value to your life? Align your drive with what’s sustainable, authentic, and truly pleasurable for you.

– February 18 marks the Sun’s shift into Pisces. If you’ve ever dated a Pisces, you know what a dreamy spell this water sign can cast! Pisces season encourages us to really believe in love – the kind of love that transcends body, time, and space. During this transit, channel this sign’s powers of compassion, empathy, and heartfelt imagination, and infuse it into all that you do.

Love in all its forms

Does all of this talk about love get you excited, or does the concept of Valentine’s Day fill you with dread? Sure, we can talk all about love, but that doesn’t mean we can always feel it.

What happens when you haven’t found your “other half”?
When love seems to evade you at every turn?

Feelings of loneliness are not uncommon during this time of year – but remember that love comes in many forms, and it’s always around you, waiting for you to open up and receive it. The ancient Greeks identified and named multiple types of love, and amongst them were Eros, Agape, Philia, and Storge.

four types of love

1) Eros is sexual and emotional passion. Though Eros is primal and powerful, it can burn out quickly without a deeper form of love to strengthen it.

2) Philia is deep affection and friendship – love shared between equals.

3) Storge is familiar love, the kind of love shared between parents and children or childhood friends who continue their bond into adulthood.

4) Agape is unearned, unconditional love. It’s selfless, sacrificing, forgiving, and deeply spiritual in nature. It’s the type of love that Spirit feels towards us – the type of love that transcends time and space.

Whether you have one or all of these types of love in your life, there’s always room to call in more! The truth about love is that it’s limitless – and as long as you’re open to noticing and receiving it, you’ll never go without. If you’re ready to reach deeper levels of affection and connection, here’s how you can start:

6 ways to call more love into your life

1) Acknowledge the love that you already have.
Acknowledging and appreciating what you already have is an important part of manifestation. So look around and notice the love that already exists all around you! Think of every person who makes you feel loved. It could be a co-worker, friend, or even the barista who makes your coffee every day with care. Whoever it is, send them an energetic (or real!) thank you.

2) Reach out.
Has it been a while since you returned your mom’s phone calls? Have you been passing on your friends’ invitations to meet up and reconnect? Every day, the universe presents us with opportunities to bond with others – but it’s up to you to reach out your hand and take the love that’s being extended.

3) Get out of your comfort zone.
As Albert Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” If you feel like your levels of love, passion, and connection are dwindling, get up and try something new! Are you dying to take a writing class? Did you get invited to a party where you’ll only know one person? Step out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there – even if you don’t meet your soulmate, chances are you’ll make some new friends!

4) Love yourself.
It’s said all the time, but I’ll say it again – you cannot fully give or receive love until you learn to love yourself. And self-love goes far beyond drinking wine and taking bubble baths. Truly loving yourself means doing what’s good for your body, mind, and spirit – it means checking in with your needs and not being afraid to express them. Know that you’re worthy of love, both from others and yourself.

5) Practice kindness.
When was the last time you performed an act of love for someone else? Kindness is a powerful form of love, and it means stepping outside of yourself to bring light to another. Think of one way you can show kindness today – by giving a compliment, making dinner for someone, or sending a friend a sweet and unexpected text. Even small gestures can make all the difference! When you put love into the world, you’ll be surprised at how quickly it comes back.

6) Let go of the past.
Do you ever find yourself ruminating on old flames, questioning whether you’ll be able to feel that level of love again? The truth is yes, you can – but love can’t flow into your life if you don’t give it space to. Calling more love into your life means putting the past to rest and opening up to new forms of love. If you’ve had your heart broken, that means you’re capable of love… and you’re capable of loving again. Love will always be there, as long as you’re ready.

love notesLove Notes: My February Favorites 💌

Chakra: Heart. When your Heart Chakra is open, you’re open to both giving and receiving love. Is yours in need of healing? Read my blog to bring it into balance!
Tarot: The Lovers. This card represents romance, connection, and being true to your heart. Invoke its energy with my Astral Lovers Perfume.
Spirit Animal: Dove. This divine bird symbolizes love and peace. It brings a message of hope and deep emotional healing. Learn more about spirit animals here!
Gems: Rose quartz, rhodonite, chrysoprase, emerald.
Oils: Jasmine, rose, vanilla, honeysuckle.

With that, I’m wishing you all a beautiful and blessed February. May this month and every month forward be a time of love, connection, and hope for each and every one of you.

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