This curated kit has everything you need to call forth all you wish. These pieces are perfect for on-the-go gridding! Create this mini crystal grid anywhere to harness the manifestation magic of May, making your dreams of abundance come true.

We lovingly handcrafted this uplifting offering here at SG with purifying Epsom, Himalayan, and European sea salts. We blended this mixture with my Transformation Perfume, a juicy potion that channels renewal, ripeness, and blooming into your fullest self.

This duo comes with pyrite and angel aura green aventurine — two stones we know and love for their abundance-attracting properties. This doesn’t just mean money, either. Abundance takes a wealth of forms: Love, happiness, opportunities, and the list goes on!

This set isn’t just healing; it also aligns your chakras. This offering helps you identify where imbalances or blockages may lie through divination. Additionally, it comes with crystals that resonate with the seven main chakras to amplify your healing practice.

This gem brings feelings of stability, support, harmony, and balance. It aids emotional healing, helping you release negative emotions and embrace peace and tranquility. This potent piece will help you feel more centered, serene, and aligned.

This crystal contains the combined energy of twenty-three gemstones and minerals. As a result, auralite 23 is a master healer. It cleanses the spirit and facilitates a powerful connection between you and your spirit guides, ancestors, and guardian spirits.

We handcrafted this rejuvenating offering here at SG with purifying Epsom, Himalayan, and European sea salts. This soothing blend contains my Summon Perfume — a seductive potion with notes of jasmine, rose, labdanum, and lotus.

Healer’s gold is a helpful ally for anyone engaging in healing work because its positive energy strengthens the resolve of both the healer and the receiver. Work with this mini angel to invoke the physical and emotional strength to move forward with confidence.