Membership FAQ

Q: I want to sign up for the Sabbatical program (either at the Sabbatical or Circle level). When will I join the group since the Winter session is still in progress?

A: You can join the group now! If you want to purchase the Winter kit, you can choose to do that separately but your January payment entitles you to participate in the final month of the Winter sabbatical. Then your February payment will include Spring sabbatical membership and your spring kit of goodies!

Q: Why do I need to check “auto renew” when I register?

A: To make the new plans affordable, we have taken quarterly programs and offered them for monthly payments. Since the programs all offer content on a quarterly basis, by checking the auto renew box you commit to a quarterly billing cycle but enjoy the benefit of lower monthly installments. You can cancel any Sage Goddess membership at the end of each quarter (April, July, October, January).

Q: Can I get credit if I refer friends to your programs? Do you have an affiliate program?

A: Yes! Our referral program is manual right now. If you have a friend who’s new to Sage Goddess programs (i.e., is not a current or former member of the Magical Sabbatical) you can refer her for a month of membership credit at the same level or below when she registers. Simply email me at [email protected] and tell me her name.

Q: What if I want to change plans or cancel my plan?

A: You can cancel a plan or change levels of plans at each quarter. Membership in all programs is for 90 days, paid in 30-day installments. You can check the details of your membership or check payment history at

Q: Do I automatically receive the Sabbatical Tool Kit (candle, gems, and oil) when I register at the Sabbatical, Circle, or Pentacle level?

A: Yes. The kits will be sent to you automatically at the beginning of each quarter.

Q: I don’t live in the United States – will I need to pay additional shipping charges for Sabbatical or Ritual kits?

A: Yes. Domestic US shipping is included in Sabbatical, Circle, and Pentacle levels of membership. Additional shipping charges will be incurred for shipping outside the United States. These will be invoiced to you via Paypal.

Q: What if I miss a session of the Sabbatical? Can I “make it up”?

A: Well, you’re never behind in the Sabbatical because it’s designed to be a go-at-your-own-pace program. But all meetings and content videos are recorded and archived on the classroom website, which is password-protected. The content will remain there permanently so you can always go back and watch and participate at your leisure or when it’s convenient if class meeting times, which are 6 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, are outside your time zone.

One thought on “Membership FAQ

  1. Do I need to be a member of Facebook to have access to any of the information – videos, tutorials, meetings?

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