• Angelite Palm Stone

      for celestial communication

      $9.75 - $15.00 with coupon code
      <p>Communicate with the celestial realms with this Angelite Palm Stone sourced from Peru. Angelite is a master healer stone that brings peace, mindfulness, compassion, and celestial connection. It attracts the presence of <a href="https://www.sagegoddess.com/what-are-angel-numbers/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">angels</a>, easing stress and tension.</p>
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    • Angel Aura Quartz Geode

      for spiritual expansion

      $3.75 - $7.50 with coupon code
      Expand your consciousness and open yourself up to a world of possibility with this whimsical Angel Aura Quartz Geode. This beautiful piece was custom-made just for Sage Goddess. Angel aura quartz, also known as opal aura quartz, is created when platinum, silver, and gold are...
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    • Indonesian Azurite Healing Priestess Heart

      $22.50 - $37.50 with coupon code
      Ready to awaken your innermost psychic abilities? Then this Indonesian Azurite Healing Priestess Heart is your offering! This powerful Third Eye Chakra opener was custom-made just for Sage Goddess and, as the name suggests, the stone was sourced from Indonesia. Azurite is a crystal of...
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    • Tumbled Green Hydrogrossular Garnet

      for prosperity

      $3.75 with coupon code
      Open your heart to healing and prosperity with this Tumbled Green Hydrogrossular Garnet from Pakistan. Green hydrogrossular garnet is a master healer and teacher in all facets of abundance - in both physical and spiritual matters. It activates the Heart Chakra, brings stability, and helps...
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    • Intuitively Chosen Lemurian Quartz Cluster

      for wisdom

      $7.50 - $52.50 with coupon code
      Open your mind to the wisdom of this Intuitively Chosen Lemurian Quartz Cluster sourced from Brazil. Lemurian quartz brings ultimate clarity, both with its pristine beauty and its high vibrations of spiritual awareness. This crystal’s energy is immediately stress-relieving and opens your mind to the...
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    • Peach Moonstone Palm Stone

      for creative expression

      $15.00 - $22.50 with coupon code
      Conjure your creative juices with this Peach Moonstone Palm Stone! It was custom-made just for Sage Goddess, and the stone was sourced from Madagascar. Peach moonstone is a mysterious, yet warm and inviting gem. This stone is a combination of albite and feldspar and naturally...
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    • Natural Tashmarine

      for Earth connection and love

      $2.63 with coupon code
      This Natural Tashmarine from Afghanistan is EXTRAORDINARY. It’s one of the newer and most remarkable discoveries of the 21st century. Tashmarine means stone of the sea, derived from “Tash,” meaning “stone” in Central Asian languages, and marine, which means “ocean.” This gem was discovered in...
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    • Double Terminated Peace and Health Wand

      $45.00 with coupon code
      Channel serenity and wellness with this Double Terminated Peace and Health Wand, custom-made just for Sage Goddess! This is a double-terminated clear quartz wand, made with clear quartz sourced from India. Layered in the middle is amethyst sourced from Africa, chrysoprase sourced from Australia, and...
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    • Consecration Infused Palo Santo

      to clear your space

      $6.75 with coupon code
      Get yourself and your space RIGHT with the return of this Consecration Infused Palo Santo! This stick was engraved right here at Sage Goddess Headquarters with the word “Consecration” all over it. “Consecrate” comes from the Latin “sacer” meaning “sacred.” Palo santo is a sacred...
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    • Scapolite in Hornblende Health and Success Vogel

      $22.50 - $30.00 with coupon code
      Are you looking for a potent tool to channel infinite healing and prosperity? If so, this Scapolite in Hornblende Health and Success Vogel is your offering. This piece was custom-made for Sage Goddess, and the stone was sourced from India. Scapolite is a powerful ally...
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    • Tumbled Angel Aura Rhodonite

      for love and deep healing

      $2.25 - $3.75 with coupon code
      Heal your heart with help from your celestial team with this Tumbled Angel Aura Rhodonite. Angel aura rhodonite is a gentle stone of compassion that opens your heart and mind to tenderness and selfless actions. It also reveals your inner gifts, drawing out your hidden...
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    • Shungite Rune Set

      for divination and energetic clearing

      $30.00 with coupon code
      What in your life needs energetic clearing? This Shungite Rune Set will guide you in filtering what no longer serves. This set was custom-made just for Sage Goddess, and the stone was sourced from Russia. It consists of 24 shungite stones with each of the...
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    Showing 1105–1116 of 1335 results