• Love Draw Perfume

      to attract the love you deserve

      $26.25 with coupon code
      My Love Draw Perfume is BACK and ready to help you attract all the love the universe has to offer! This intoxicating blend was handcrafted right here at Sage Goddess Headquarters with notes of almond, honey, rose, and Egyptian musk – sacred ingredients known to...
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    • Tucson Exclusive: Grounding and Healing Almandine Garnet in Graphite Matrix

      $7.50 - $37.50 with coupon code
      Feel anchored and secure with this Grounding and Healing Almandine Garnet in Graphite Matrix. We just brought this back from the Tucson Gem Show, and the stone was sourced from Brazil. I can’t say enough good things about almandine garnet - I just love it!...
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    • Yellow and Fuchsia Aura Quartz Point

      for love and joy

      $2.25 - $3.75 with coupon code
      Restore your confidence while tapping into universal love with this Yellow and Fuchsia Aura Quartz Point. Aura quartz is created when clear quartz is bonded with metals, creating an iridescent metallic sheen and reflection of brilliant rainbows. Clear quartz amplifies energies and intentions. The aura...
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    • Heal and Protect Doreng Java Agate Sphere

      $37.50 - $45.00 with coupon code
      Wow - the energy of this Heal and Protect Doreng Java Agate Sphere is completely unreal. Doreng Java agate is a BRAND NEW stone to Sage Goddess. In fact, it’s brand new to the crystal world as a whole! This stunning, striped gem is truly...
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    • AAA-Grade Golden Sunstone Sacral Chakra Healing Generator

      $18.75 - $52.50 with coupon code
      Ignite otherworldly passion, creativity, and pleasure with this AAA-Grade Golden Sunstone Sacral Chakra Healing Generator! It was custom-made just for Sage Goddess, and the stone was sourced from India. Golden sunstone is a stone of leadership, creativity, enthusiasm, and awakening. It lifts the mood and...
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    • Tumbled Blue Chalcedony: Medium

      for calm and balance

      $2.25 with coupon code
      If you need more calm, restoration, and balance in your life, this offering is for you. I’ve always loved blue chalcedony and feel immediately soothed by its presence. Blue chalcedony activates the Throat and Third Eye Chakras, bringing wisdom, inspiration, clear communication, and tranquility. This...
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    • Jadeite Abundant Health and Wealth Heart

      $22.50 - $37.50 with coupon code
      Infuse love into your prosperity and healing rituals with this Jadeite Abundant Health and Wealth Heart. This piece is beautiful and potent, and the stone was sourced from Brazil. Jadeite is a unique form of jade that has a rich green hue. It’s mined close...
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    • Tumbled Terahertz: Medium

      for EMF protection

      $3.00 with coupon code
      These days, in our modern world filled with so much EMF and electromagnetic smog, it’s ever more important to protect and heal your sacred energy from radiation. Originating from Japan, terahertz is a man-made stone created from material that specifically protects the body from these...
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    • Tumbled Terahertz: Small

      for protection and healing

      $1.88 with coupon code
      These days, in our modern world filled with so much EMF and electromagnetic smog, it’s ever more important to protect and heal your sacred energy from radiation. Originating from Japan, Terahertz is a man-made stone created from material that specifically protects the body from these...
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    • Tumbled Luxullianite

      for emotional stability and balance

      $2.25 - $3.75 with coupon code
      Do you seek calm and stability? Emotions can be wonderful, yet when they spiral into the negative realm, they can also grow exhausting and complicated. Mood swings from anger, to sadness, to frustration wreak havoc within the emotional body and toss energy into an unbalanced...
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    • Double Terminated Crazy Lace Agate Happy Wand

      for joy

      $15.00 - $18.75 with coupon code
      Find joy and laughter during difficult times with this Double Terminated Crazy Lace Agate Happy Wand sourced from Mexico. Crazy lace agate, also known as the Laugher Stone or Happy Lace, is a beautiful Root and Solar Plexus Chakra stone that encourages you to stay...
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    • Tumbled K2

      for psychic vision and deep healing

      $3.00 with coupon code
      Open a gateway to tremendous healing and wellness with this Tumbled K2 from Pakistan! K2 stone is a relatively new introduction to the metaphysical community, but energy workers all around the world are running to work with it. It’s a powerhouse combination of granite, azurite,...
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    Showing 1081–1092 of 1335 results