This crystal is a newly discovered stone from Indonesia — a beautiful and unexpected byproduct of the smelting process. Like sapphire and amethyst, it’s a member of the aluminum oxide family, bringing enhanced intuition.

Sometimes, as crystals grow and take form, their magic combines to create an even more potent and precious mineral. Mugglestone is one of these multi-gemstone creations! It’s a rarity that combines tiger’s eye, hematite, and red and yellow jasper in a single stone.

This Tumbled Angelite is your direct line to the higher realms. Hold this angelite crystal in the palm of your hand to feel the support of your angels and spirit guides.

Pink amethyst is a rare version of amethyst. It has the same peaceful vibration and extra emphasis on love, healing, and patience. Some pieces contain little druzy pockets of sparkling crystal peeking through, bringing another layer of tranquility.

This gem brings feelings of stability, support, harmony, and balance. It aids emotional healing, helping you release negative emotions and embrace peace and tranquility. This potent piece will help you feel more centered, serene, and aligned.

Peach stilbite is the best stone for dream recall. Work with this piece to grab hold of your dreams, diving deep within to access the passion and wisdom you need to manifest your most inspired visions.

Sulfur quartz is transformative in nature. It’s a unique yellow variety of quartz that activates the Solar Plexus Chakra to help you push past any hesitation. This dendritic sulfur quartz is extra special because it contains beautiful fern-like manganese inclusions.

Pineapple calcite, also known as yellow calcite, is a stone of purification that helps remove unwanted energies holding you back. It activates the Solar Plexus Chakra, boosting vitality, action, and confidence.

Blue moss chalcedony is a variety of microcrystalline quartz with iron and manganese inclusions, adding properties of strength and stability. Work with this crystal to center your spirit, and welcome the peaceful flow of universal energy.

This beautiful piece isn’t just a talisman of deep healing and alignment. It’s also an incredibly high-quality specimen, shimmering with a gorgeous earthy hue. Green kyanite brings inner peace, heals chakras, and draws you inward to connect with your deepest truth.

This gem is a stunning combination of malachite and chrysocolla, two gemstones that embody the Divine Feminine. Combined in one vibrant gem, they bring double the power, double the beauty, and double the magic!

This gem is a golden-yellow variety of beryl, getting its color from inclusions of iron, which adds properties of strength and tenacity. If you’re looking to herald financial prosperity with self-assuredness, look no further — this crystal is your ally.