Girasol quartz is a variety of opalized rose quartz that glows with a shimmering adularescence. This crystal activates the Heart Chakra, expands the aura, and establishes communication with the Divine.

Bring your deepest dreams and visions to life with this Tumbled Epidote! Epidote is a protective and grounding stone that’s…

Are you looking for luck in love or finances? This Tumbled Emerald will help you manifest your desires! Emerald holds…

Green lepidolite is one of our favorite stones for healing work. In the shape of a cube, it carries an extra emphasis on balance and harmony. Allow this gem to fill your space with healing and harmony, restoring both body and soul with its soothing vibrations.

Brazilian citrine is a beautiful stone that draws money like a magnet and holds a disposition that imparts wonder, delight, and enthusiasm. Hold this citrine crystal close to boost your confidence as you summon prosperity of all kinds.

Pink cobalto calcite is the emotional healer’s stone, radiating with love and soft vibrations. This stone encourages compassion for others and yourself. It promotes acceptance without judgment.

Because it’s so new, there isn’t much metaphysical information on bolivianite crystal yet. However, many gem experts believe Bolivian miners have uncovered a secondary deposit of Atlantisite — a rare combination of stichtite and serpentine..

Tree agate crystal contains ancient energies of the forest, the wisdom of the tree people, and the grounding of Earth. It is the stability stone. Work with this earthy offering to tap into ancestral wisdom and bring more calm, grounded energy into your life.

Whether you’re just beginning your gemstone journey or are a seasoned collector, I have the perfect offering. Allow me to…

Cinnabar is known as a merchant’s stone. It stimulates dignity, vitality, and power, making it an asset in business and finance. This stone can even assist you in recognizing historical trends!

As its name suggests, peridotite is a close relative of peridot composed primarily of olivine. Because of the similarities, they both carry many of the same properties. Keep this crystal close as a talisman of confidence and expansion to welcome new possibilities.

This crystal is a newly discovered stone from Indonesia — a beautiful and unexpected byproduct of the smelting process. Like sapphire and amethyst, it’s a member of the aluminum oxide family, bringing enhanced intuition.

Sometimes, as crystals grow and take form, their magic combines to create an even more potent and precious mineral. Mugglestone is one of these multi-gemstone creations! It’s a rarity that combines tiger’s eye, hematite, and red and yellow jasper in a single stone.

This Tumbled Angelite is your direct line to the higher realms. Hold this angelite crystal in the palm of your hand to feel the support of your angels and spirit guides.

Pink amethyst is a rare version of amethyst. It has the same peaceful vibration and extra emphasis on love, healing, and patience. Some pieces contain little druzy pockets of sparkling crystal peeking through, bringing another layer of tranquility.

Tremolite is one of the best crystals for heart healing. We don’t get it in the shop very often — and we’ve never offered this stunning cat’s eye variety. If this piece calls to you, don’t hesitate!

Blue hemimorphite is a healer at heart. It brings well-being to the emotional body, heals the Throat Chakra for open and honest communication, and mends relationships.

This gem brings feelings of stability, support, harmony, and balance. It aids emotional healing, helping you release negative emotions and embrace peace and tranquility. This potent piece will help you feel more centered, serene, and aligned.

Peach stilbite is the best stone for dream recall. Work with this piece to grab hold of your dreams, diving deep within to access the passion and wisdom you need to manifest your most inspired visions.