The Magical Sabbatical is a giant PAUSE button on life as you know it that we will push together. We’re going to be intentionally disruptive together and shake up your world on an energetic level to isolate and wean from “soul sedatives” – those things holding us back – and cultivate a fuller, more authentic, and more powerful vision of personal possibility. And we’ll work some magic to get you back in touch with your intuitive capacity for healing. Because there’s a goddess in you waiting to be set free. When we push PLAY again in 8 weeks, you will come home to a different you.
You will recognize her when you see her.
She’s just been hidden for a while.
The Magical Sabbatical is a 60-day intentional disruption of your life’s status quo – the rules, practices, beliefs, and behaviors that are limiting your growth and restricting your creative potential. The goal is to help you create a vision of your life that is in full alignment with your most glorious goddess self. This space will be a little magical oasis where you can come play with magical tools and learn how to use them to expand your awareness and raise your energetic vibration.
Together, through moon ritual, meditation, and guided work with gemstones, oils, candles, and dreamstate work, we will:
- Take a much needed “fear vacation” and overturn limiting beliefs that sabotage spiritual progress
- Identify your specific “soul sedatives” that are keeping you asleep in your life, and remove them in order to awaken your spirit
- Articulate a detailed and action-oriented vision of your goddess self and then set sacred and ritually-activated intentions for stepping into that vision
- Establish a network of peers and fellow warrioress spirits who are going through the same steps and experiencing similar challenges so we can shift together.
This program is designed for women who are looking for:
- Spiritual and philosophical connection to their divine feminine power – that sensuous, strong, sexy, sanctified being in each of us that longs to be given a voice
- The correspondences and meanings of gems, stones, herbs, flowers, and sacred perfumes, and how to ritually use these items as touchstone reminders of our feminine energy
- Ritual and ceremony to heighten our awareness of the magic in life and the influences of forces beyond those that act upon our five basic senses
- Sacred space where we establish intimate dialogue with ourselves and reflect on freedom, sex, love, and wisdom from a divinely feminine perspective
Our opening ceremony will begin in an open public circle with the Blue Moon on August 31st.
- WEEK 1: SET SACRED INTENTIONS with a commitment ceremony & creation of sacred space
- WEEK 2: (9/15 – NEW MOON) ALIGN WITH GEMS through elements of air, using gems to focus meditative practice
- WEEK 3: SOLITARY PRACTICE with chakraline exercise
- WEEK 4: (9/29 – FULL MOON) ANNOINT WITH SCENT through elements of earth, using sacred perfumes to engage alternate senses
- WEEK 5: SOLITARY PRACTICE with annointing exercise
- WEEK 6 (10/15 – NEW MOON): ENGAGE THE DREAMSTATE through elements of spirit, asking for guidance in dreamstate
- WEEK 7: SOLITARY PRACTICE with dreamstate journaling
- WEEK 8 (10/29 – FULL MOON): CLOSE THE CIRCLE through elements of water, committing to action & participating in the chalice ceremony
Materials: You will need to create a sacred space in your home for this program. For ritual activities, you can either purchase the Magical Sabbatical kit from my Etsy shop, gather your own supplies, or use what you have.
Physical & Emotional: This program demands that you give up some creature comforts that are keeping you stuck; this will be hard. I will help and inspire you through the release and detox phases. Also, as your perspective shifts those around you will need to accommodate the shift. This may be hard for them. We’ll talk about how to handle transition.
Spiritual: The practices on which this program is built draw from multiple spiritual traditions; your open-mindedness is requested and required.
Financial: The eight-week program is $135, paid monthly, and includes access to the program materials and weekly videoconference, and the online sanctuary support system. When you sign up for the Magical Sabbatical, you get the complete ritual set specially designed for this course (candle, gems, and perfume oil).
You can sign up for the Magical Sabbatical in our membership center at: