Yuletide and Christmas Gem Set for honoring the magic of the holiday season

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I always get special requests for holiday-specific gem sets, and this one in particular is everything you need for this holiday season of Christmas and Yule. These gemstones have been chosen with a special intention so that you will be safe, feel loved, and radiate love to those around you. Isn’t that what Christmas is all about? It’s about giving, and these are the stones of passion, generosity, and spirituality – green aventurine, fuchsite, malachite, moonstone, bloodstone, red jasper.

The deeper magic of my Yuletide and Christmas gem set

In this set you will receive one (1) green aventurine mini palm stone printed with a lovely holly. Green aventurine is a stone of optimism and zest for life. It will open your heart to receive joy, positivity, and enthusiasm. It will assist you in releasing attachment to past relationships and encourage you to embrace change, growth, and renewal. You also receive one (1) piece of fuchsite. Fuschite sparkles with beautiful icy green energy and it a great healing source for the healer! Think of fuschite as the healthy relationship stone, especially being around so many family members and friends this holiday season, it helps others in your vicinity to be emotionally responsibly for themselves. Protect your heart and radiate love to others in a healthy way. Next in this set is one (1) piece of malachite. Malachite will capture your eye with its deep folds of dark greens. Malachite personifies the deep healing green of nature and assists in healing your heart chakra. It is the perfect stone for this time of year where we begin to look inward. It is a stone of transformation, assisting one in cultivating spiritual growth for the New Year. Also in this set is one (1) piece of moonstone. Moonstone brings visions and dreams to life. Moonstone is also known as a Directional Stone in Native American practice. It is used in ceremony to represent the energy of the Great Spirit and in talismans as a reminder that you are headed in the right direction. Moonstone lights the way and reminds you that you have the wisdom you need to walk the path you’ve chosen in this lifetime. You will then receive one (1) piece of bloodstone. Bloodstone is a powerful healer across physical and spiritual planes. It improves not only physical wellness, but also builds personal power. When feeling fearful or frail, bloodstone brings tenacity and strength. It gives us the confidence to face challenges, instills the courage to move forward, and carries an encouraging, comforting energy. To complete the set, you will also receive one (1) piece of red jasper. Red jasper is gentle and reassuring in its vibration. This is the stone of emotional cadence and stability, easing emotions into alignment and helping you feel at peace with what is. If the Holiday season promotes stress in your life, this gemstone is known to enhance your ability to reach tranquility, comforting energy, wholeness, healing, and a gentle ending to the year. Get ready to manifest your intentions after the end of the year to turn goals and desires into reality.

This listing is for one (1) Yuletide and Christmas gem set described above. Stones vary between .5-1″ in size. Yours will arrive lovingly parceled along with a single leaf of white sage and a parchment describing the properties of the stones. Holiday Blessings, Athena

Note: This item was not produced or purported to be produced by any Indian artisan or tribe. Use of the terms Native American, American Indian, or Indian is not included for marketing purposes. 

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Weight 0.25 lbs
Dimensions 0.0000 × 0.0000 in
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