As a magical practitioner, I work with the concepts of manifestation and attraction on a daily basis. Our lives – your life – as we live them right now are a mirror of what we’ve sent out in the world, both in literal and figurative ways. You are a divine co-creator of your destiny, one thought, one desire, one action at a time. Nothing happens to you; everything happens with you.
To be in a state of gratitude this week of Thanksgiving is beautiful, warranted, expected even. But I want to push the envelop a bit and encourage you to get beyond gratitude to the gesture, the offering. To me, the most powerful statement of gratitude includes a commitment to action. So beyond just “I am grateful for my family,” it becomes “I am grateful for my family and (so) I am committed to spending at least 30 minutes each evening listening attentively to what happened during their day.”
The reason I feel strongly that the gratitude needs to move toward action is the Universe acts when we act. It’s a constant cycle of action, reaction, action and more reaction. When we take a step that honors or symbolizes what we appreciate in our lives, we co-create more of what we love, more of what we value. Being in gratitude is important; acting in gratitude is powerful.
May your offerings of thanks, this week and always, be met by swift and abundant action by a Universe that conspires to support you.
And so, it is.
what happens if i’ve lost my faith and belief? i keep trying to live with gratitude but the actions surrounding me are not reflecting it. i feel lost.
Ellen it’s during exactly those dark nights of the soul that this work matters most. I reach out a hand to you today so you don’t feel alone in creating a vision of a different future <3
Thank you Athena. I decided to re-read Creative Visualization and try to live more closely aligned with the actions manifested by gratitude. Your statement above ” … our lives are a mirror of what we’ve sent out into the world” is powerful and that is the piece that resonated so soundly. I keep thinking I’m living with gratitude, but apparently I’ve fallen short in more ways than I thought possible. Thus, the feeling of being lost. I see I need to work on this aspect of myself much harder going forward. Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful 🙂
a mirror of what we’ve sent out in the world, both in literal and
figurative ways. – See more at:
a mirror of what we’ve sent out in the world, both in literal and
figurative ways. – See more at: