POP IV – Neutrality

Pillar IV: Neutrality

For me, the High Priestess embodies the concept of neutrality more than any other figure. Perhaps it’s because the image of her in the Rider Waite deck, standing between two pillars representing biblical wisdom. She holds almost every sign of spiritual power within her hands and arms. She literally is the pillar of neutrality, of equanimity, of allowing it all and judging none. The priestess makes no sudden movements. She is the figure of waiting, of observing, of allowing nature to intervene before she does. She knows the folly of acting too soon or thinking that an immediate reaction is the most informed one.

Neutrality is a difficult pillar to practice because we are human. It’s our nature to react. To move. To think that our first instinct is the basis for sound judgment. Even though we often know from experience that hesitation is the more rational option. Below are my tips for practicing the art of neutrality in times of stress and challenge. Try journaling to the questions embedded within each.

  1. Stop and think before you act – not just about the immediate consequences of your actions, but the lasting effects. What might your words shift or create that you can’t see right now? Who might be affected, and how might they react? What would your guides ask you to do in this situation? What is your higher self feeling called to do here?
  2. Think of balanced scales and ask yourself what a measured and balanced reaction looks like in this situation. If you were acting out of fear or haste, what might a calm and well considered response look like? Draw it out, write it out, role play it with a trusted friend or mentor.
  3. When you act, stay calm and engaged. Stay centered and aligned. Ask your guides and higher self to be with you in the moment of action, to move through you and to craft your words for you in alignment with the right and best outcome for all involved.