

For the first and only time, I am teaching an online course on the Major Arcana of the tarot! This course is recorded and accessible anytime via online archive once you subscribe. We will learn about two of the major arcana per month for the first 11 months, which will take us through all 22 of the Major Arcana cards. We will use the Rider Waite tarot as our learning deck, as I consider it to be the most important foundational deck for learning. In month 12, I will teach you how to conduct Major Arcana readings for clients, and offer tips for layouts, spreads, and complex interpretations. There will be two kits available for purchase each month aligned to each of the Major Arcana cards, with original art by Sage Goddess, that include a candle, two gems, and a magical perfume to help you connect with the card in a multi-sensory way. If you subscribe for the kits, you will receive the two sets each month at a discounted rate, and with one shipping cost. You can click here to subscribe to the kits or click here to see the January kits.

The monthly membership fee is $20, and you can register here.

If you would like to learn about my other online courses where I teach about gems, herbs, and goddess wisdom, click herea4fdfbac-276b-46cc-a7ea-41619379d825magicianHigh PriestessEmpress