We handcrafted this tantalizing oil right here at SG with an apricot kernel base and notes of bird of paradise, honey, and blue raspberry. I designed this oil specifically to ignite your passion and encourage the exploration of your sensual delights!

We had this gorgeous incense burner custom-made just for Sage Goddess. It’s crafted from iron and comes in a silver or rose gold-colored finish. As you burn your incense cones inside this sphere, the smoke radiates in all directions for a 360° smudging experience.

This gorgeous Mini Amethyst Angel is the perfect size to carry in a purse or pocket for an on-the-go infusion of divine support. Keep this angel with you at all times to bring a dose of celestial peace and protection to your day.

This set contains everything to create a crystal grid that harnesses Aries’ energy, along with the purifying protection of salt. It’s a beautiful way to shield against anything that doesn’t serve you and fuel your fire of creativity and inspiration.

Pau d’arco is a tree native to the Amazon rainforest of South America. Amazonian healers have been working with pau d’arco for millennia as a medicinal herb and potent source of energetic protection.

Healers have been working with Baltic amber for thousands of years. This fossilized resin carries the energy of the primordial boreal forest — a magical realm of stillness and solitude where the tall, resilient pines meet the cold, steely sea.

We infused this nourishing soap with my Selva Perfume, the replica of the fragrance made for me. Every time you step into the shower, this luxurious soap will surround you with the same ancestral magic I experienced in the jungle’s depths.

Because it’s so new, there isn’t much metaphysical information on bolivianite crystal yet. However, many gem experts believe Bolivian miners have uncovered a secondary deposit of Atlantisite — a rare combination of stichtite and serpentine..

This stabilizing Root Chakra stone is a powerful anchor to Mother Earth that brings balance and security. If you’ve been feeling disconnected lately, this is the offering for you. Work with this gem for an infusion of strength, stability, and security.