We had this ring custom-made just for SG with a gorgeous quintet of emotionally healing, heart-mending stones ready to support you. This beautiful bouquet of soothing, spring-colored stones is like an oasis for the soul.

Expand your sensuality and explore your capacity for intimacy with this Aquamarine Shiva Lingam. This offering features a gorgeous aquamarine…

Aquamarine is a crystal of the sea with a calming and cooling vibration that enhances intuition, imagination, and creativity. Emotionally balancing and healing, aquamarine crystal honors the light and the shadow.

We had this ring custom-made to honor this month’s birthstone. March brings with it the watery flow, clarity, and spiritual depth of aquamarine. This precious piece of mermaid treasure will help you channel your fish spirit this month and beyond.

Every stone deserves to be loved, especially those that have had a tough time in life! This Aquamarine Moon may…

Aquamarine is a crystal of the sea with a calming and cooling vibration that enhances intuition, imagination, and creativity. Lepidolite is a natural, crystalized form of lithium that lightens moods and has a calming, relaxing, and easing effect.

This stunning bracelet has a .925 sterling silver clasp, and each of its faceted morganite and aquamarine beads is laden with healing magic. Wear this potent bracelet as a reminder that your emotions and feelings are valid and that you deserve to love and feel good.

Each of its faceted morganite and aquamarine beads is laden with healing magic, secured with a.925 sterling silver clasp. Wear this potent necklace as a reminder that your emotions and feelings are valid and that you deserve to love and feel good.

This super gemmy aquamarine is the stone of emotional healing and renewal. It’s a crystal of the sea with a calming and cooling vibration that enhances intuition, imagination, and creativity.

Aquamarine is a talisman of emotional healing and renewal. Peach moonstone activates the Sacral Chakra, as well as your passion. Pink tourmaline brings a dose of heart-opening energy. Combined in one piece, this is your ally for invoking balance, healing, and your heart’s desires.

This Clear Quartz and Aquamarine Magician Pendant is here to amplify and attune your intuitive nature. It features a clear quartz magician pendant with a small round aquamarine, all set in .925 sterling silver.

Don’t push it down — feel your feelings with this custom-made Emotional Healing Aquamarine Heart. Aquamarine is a blue variety…

Look to la Luna and deepen your awareness with this Enhanced Intuition Aquamarine Moon. Aquamarine is a variety of beryl…