• Mini Vera Cruz Amethyst Point

      for wisdom and protection

      $3.00 - $5.25 with coupon code
      If you’re looking to speak and move through life from a place of deep inner knowing, this Mini Vera Cruz Amethyst Point is your gem. As its name suggests, this stone is sourced from Vera Cruz, Mexico and makes a great addition to any crystal...
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    • Tucson Exclusive: Grounding and Healing Almandine Garnet in Graphite Matrix

      $7.50 - $37.50 with coupon code
      Feel anchored and secure with this Grounding and Healing Almandine Garnet in Graphite Matrix. We just brought this back from the Tucson Gem Show, and the stone was sourced from Brazil. I can’t say enough good things about almandine garnet - I just love it!...
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    • Natural Yellow Fluorite

      for attracting abundance

      $1.88 - $3.00 with coupon code
      Invoke wealth and abundance with this Natural Yellow Fluorite from China. Yellow fluorite is a manifestation, abundance, and money drawing gem. After citrine, it’s the second most important crystal for manifesting wealth and financial abundance. Like all fluorite, yellow fluorite helps you find and follow...
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    • Natural Unakite Jasper

      for emotional healing

      $0.75 - $1.50 with coupon code
      How’s your heart doing? If it’s in need of some tender loving care, this Natural Unakite Jasper is for you. Unakite jasper is often overlooked in the gemstone world, but I hold its magic near and dear to my heart. A blend of red jasper...
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    • Natural Labradorite

      for vision during new beginnings

      $3.00 - $7.50 with coupon code
      Manifest your dreams with this Natural Labradorite from Madagascar. Labradorite is a gem favorite for any occasion or season, but it really shines when it comes to new beginnings, awareness, visioning, and going after your heart’s desires. This stone brings hope, possibility, and kindles your...
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    • Star Mica Cluster

      for higher realm guidance

      $2.25 - $22.50 with coupon code
      Receive celestial guidance with this Star Mica Cluster from Brazil. Star mica, also known as yellow muscovite or star muscovite, is a gem that grows in a crystalline structure resembling a star. A stone of the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, star mica enhances your...
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    • Intuitively Chosen Lemurian Quartz Cluster

      for wisdom

      $7.50 - $52.50 with coupon code
      Open your mind to the wisdom of this Intuitively Chosen Lemurian Quartz Cluster sourced from Brazil. Lemurian quartz brings ultimate clarity, both with its pristine beauty and its high vibrations of spiritual awareness. This crystal’s energy is immediately stress-relieving and opens your mind to the...
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    • Natural Tashmarine

      for Earth connection and love

      $2.63 with coupon code
      This Natural Tashmarine from Afghanistan is EXTRAORDINARY. It’s one of the newer and most remarkable discoveries of the 21st century. Tashmarine means stone of the sea, derived from “Tash,” meaning “stone” in Central Asian languages, and marine, which means “ocean.” This gem was discovered in...
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    • Natural Rutilated Smoky Quartz Crystal

      for clearing energy

      $15.00 - $25.50 with coupon code
      <p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> Smoky quartz is a stone of grounding, purification, and protection that absorbs and transmutes the energies the body cannot take or hold on its own. The strands of rutile contain special messages about your path of transformation that can be decoded in meditation.</span></p>
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    • Natural Colombianite

      for eons of ancient wisdom

      $45.00 - $67.50 with coupon code
      It’s back! Don’t let the size of this Natural Colombianite fool you – this is an immensely powerful gem of spiritual evolution, past-life recall, and ancient wisdom. Legend has it that if you feel drawn to colombianite, you’re being called to a higher spiritual mission....
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    • Intuitively Chosen Mixed Tourmaline Crystal

      for safety

      $0.75 with coupon code
      Receive energetic protection with this Intuitively Chosen Mixed Tourmaline Crystal from Pakistan. Tourmaline is such a sacred stone. Its name comes from the Sinhalese name Turamali, which means “something little from the earth” – but this crystal’s power is anything but small. Tourmaline is inspiring,...
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    • AAA-Grade Tourmalinated Himalayan Quartz Cluster

      $45.00 - $100.50 with coupon code
      Looking for a gem to keep you safe and grounded as you connect with higher wisdom? If so, this AAA-Grade Tourmalinated Himalayan Quartz Cluster is for you. Tourmalinated Himalayan quartz is Himalayan quartz with black tourmaline - two individually potent stones that, when together, hold...
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    Showing 289–300 of 384 results