This sensual blend contains notes of amber for boldness and warmth, rose for enhancing soul connections, and a rare citrus for awakening the senses. Anoint with my Amber Rose Perfume anytime you wish to feel more sensual and emboldened.

My Emerald 2.0 Perfume is here to help you manifest your desires! Handcrafted with notes of tulsi, green myrtle, and tuberose, it’s a blend that holds attraction magic that works with you to bring your dreams to life.

My Black Rose Perfume is a lower, darker, and more mysterious fragrance with a seductive blend of dark rose attars from India that only come from the darkest petals. Anoint yourself with this blend when you want a potion that doesn’t sacrifice its thorns.

“Juicy Mango” is what I call a sexy person who is ready to own their sensual power.  This luscious blend contains notes of damania for increased pleasure, ylang ylang for an open heart, cardamom for sensuality, and ginger for taking action.

We handcrafted this incredible blend here at SG with deep, earthy notes of valerian, armoise mugwort, rosemary, poppy, sugandh mantri, lavender, and a very special oil: Wild cape blue chamomile from South Africa.

This palmistry-inspired fragrance is blended with notes of rhododendron, basil, myrrh, lemon, musk, and patchouli. This earthy and uplifting blend will support your spiritual growth while keeping you centered and grounded.

My Guide Perfume was created to light your way through the darkness of the new moon. We handcrafted this blend right here at SG with amber, oak, and various spice notes. Anoint yourself with this blend to open the door to new beginnings.

This perfume is a blend of cypress and Damask rose that embodies the divine wisdom of the Grecian high priestess Pythia. Anoint yourself with this blend to connect to Pythia’s ancient wisdom and deepen your inner knowing.

This perfume was inspired by seidr. We handcrafted it with notes of pine for prosperity, oakmoss for grounding, and fir for clarity. We also infused each bottle with a tiger’s eye chip stone for added wisdom, courage, and the ability to see ahead.

Unlock the magic and magnetism buried deep within with my Secret of the Sphinx Perfume! This perfume is an enchanting blend of sandalwood, blue lotus, acacia, black pepper, pink peppercorn, rosemary, and xanthoxylum.

This gorgeous blend has notes of patchouli, allspice, and clove, and each bottle is infused with a tiger’s eye chip stone for enhanced wisdom and courage. It’s named after Earth’s favorite celestial neighbor, and we LOVE la Luna here at Sage Goddess.

If you’re a fan of my Dea Perfume, you’ll be happy to know this spray carries the same sweet, sensual scent. It’s a magical blend of tuberose, tonka bean, patchouli, and sandalwood you know and love—all in a base of distilled water.

My Dea Perfume is back with the same sweet, sensual, magical energy that made it a customer favorite. It’s crafted here at SG with notes of tuberose for peace, patchouli for abundance, sandalwood for grounding, and tonka bean for attraction.

This offering includes two perfumes that channel the wisdom and feminine empowerment of two female archetypes: Lilith and Eve. Lilith and Eve are both figures from Judeo-Christian mythology that embody independence, and the importance of setting boundaries in love.