I’m so excited to offer my Muse Incense Sticks to you in a new shade of orange — the color of the Sacral Chakra, your energy center of pleasure, passion, creativity, and emotion. We handcrafted them here at SG with my Muse Perfume, a fragrance designed to spark your imagination.

These incense cones are ready to purify your energy and raise the positive vibes in your space. They are a calming blend of lavender, ginger, and blue lotus. Aura cleansing keeps your vibration pure, high, and light!

This incense is inspired by the oldest recorded recipe found on the temple walls in Egypt. It’s a combination of mastic, Aleppo pine, mint, juniper berry, red wine, three different resins, and a few more specialized ingredients.

My Vanilla Moon Perfume inspired these incense cones. These incense cones are an intoxicating blend of light and dark patchouli – for passion and pleasure – and, of course, pure vanilla for enhanced libido.

These incense sticks are hand-rolled at SG with French lavender oil, one of the highest quality lavender oils in the world. Lavender is one of the most cherished and recognized fragrances, bringing a sense of calm, serenity, and encouraging relaxation.

This brass burner features a base with intricate floral detailing and a goddess-shaped figure. In addition to being stunning, this burner will strengthen your smudging rituals and make an excellent addition to your magical collection.

This incense is a magical herb blend that contains ingredients used for centuries to support astral travel, divination, and vision quests. Mugwort, lavender, and sandalwood are among the sacred herbs creating the divine experience you’re about to embark on.

These incense sticks were created to bring the scent of the forest and the wisdom of Mother Earth right into your home. They were lovingly handcrafted with notes of pine, juniper, Northern California, and balsam fir.