This custom-made offering features a mesmerizing mandala pattern surrounding the figure of Ganesha, all cut out of durable laminated wood. It comes with an intuitively chosen sari silk ribbon to hang on your wall.

Treat yourself to multiple divine scents, experiment, and find your favorite with my Perfume Sample Trio! With this offering, you can select three samples from my selection of Sage Goddess perfumes — and now, it includes some of my newest blends!

The pink lotus flower symbolizes enlightenment and brings forth energies of rebirth, beauty, purity, prosperity, and devotion. It’s made with ingredients that nourish the skin, such as coconut oil, olive oil, and goat’s milk.

Lemurian blue calcite is a magical gem that brings happiness and peace. It powerfully deflects negative energies and helps you attain emotional balance and self-control. It’s also brilliant when it comes to harmonizing the masculine and feminine aspects of one’s self for total balance within.