Tanzanite Guide: Properties and Meaning

Tanzanite Properties

Color: blue, violet, golden green
Mohs Hardness: 6.5-7
Chakra: Varies (usually Third Eye)
Crystal Structure:Orthorhombic
Location: Tanzania, Africa

About Tanzanite

Tanzanite is a unique gemstone known for its powerful Third Eye properties. It is a member of the Synergy 12 stone family and comes in various colors, including blue, violet, and golden green. Tanzanite is associated with different chakras and offers spiritual protection, alchemy, transformation, manifestation, inspiration, and strengthens the spirit for spiritual work. It has the ability to help individuals hear their Spirit Guides, improve their present moment experience, and guide them towards the Highest Good. Tanzanite integrates the mind and heart, bringing self-awareness, enlightenment, and compassion. It is worth noting that if you see green in Tanzanite, it means it has not been heat-treated.

The history of Tanzanite

Tanzanite has a relatively short but fascinating history. It was discovered in the 1960s in the Merelani Hills of Tanzania, hence its name. The gemstone gained popularity quickly due to its mesmerizing colors and unique properties. Tanzanite’s rarity and limited supply also contributed to its allure. Initially, it was marketed as a blue gemstone, but later it was discovered that heating the stone could enhance its color, resulting in a vibrant violet-blue hue. This heat treatment process became widely accepted and is now commonly used to bring out the best color in Tanzanite. Today, Tanzanite is highly sought after by gemstone enthusiasts and collectors worldwide, and its rich history adds to its desirability.

What are Tanzanite healing properties?

Tanzanite possesses powerful Third Eye properties. It provides spiritual protection, alchemy, transformation, manifestation, inspiration, and strengthens the spirit for spiritual work. It integrates the mind and heart, bringing self-awareness, enlightenment, and compassion.

What are Tanzanite Metaphysical / Spiritual Properties?

Tanzanite is associated with different chakras and comes in a variety of colors, including blue, violet, and golden green. It assists individuals in hearing their Spirit Guides, enhancing their present moment experience, and guiding them towards the Highest Good. It is important to note that if green is observed in Tanzanite, it has not undergone heat treatment.

Tanzanite FAQ

What is Tanzanite used for?

Tanzanite is a highly sought-after gemstone primarily used in jewelry. Its vibrant blue-violet color makes it a popular choice for rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Tanzanite is also used in alternative therapies and crystal healing practices.

What does Tanzanite do?

Tanzanite has various metaphysical properties. It promotes spiritual growth, enhances intuition, and stimulates the third eye and crown chakras. Tanzanite brings clarity of mind, increases creativity, and promotes a sense of calm and tranquility.

Can Tanzanite go in water?

While Tanzanite is generally safe to clean with water, it is recommended to avoid prolonged exposure to water or submerging it completely. It is best to use a mild soap and a soft brush to clean Tanzanite jewelry and then rinse it thoroughly with clean water.

How to cleanse Tanzanite?

To cleanse Tanzanite, you can use various methods such as smudging with sage, placing it under running water, or burying it in the earth overnight. Another popular method is to cleanse Tanzanite by placing it on a bed of quartz crystals or in a bowl of sea salt overnight.

What does Tanzanite do spiritually?

Tanzanite has powerful spiritual properties. It enhances psychic abilities, deepens meditation, and facilitates spiritual growth. Tanzanite also connects the mind and heart, promoting a sense of inner peace and harmony.

How to clean Tanzanite?

To clean Tanzanite, you should use a mild soap and warm water. Gently scrub the gemstone with a soft brush or cloth, making sure to remove any dirt or residue. Rinse it thoroughly with clean water and pat it dry with a soft cloth.

How to spot fake Tanzanite?

To spot fake Tanzanite, you should look for certain characteristics. Genuine Tanzanite has a distinct blue-violet color, while fake ones may appear too dark or too light. Additionally, genuine Tanzanite has a high level of clarity, so if you notice any visible inclusions or cloudiness, it may be a fake.

Is Tanzanite toxic?

No, Tanzanite is not toxic. It is a safe gemstone to wear and handle. However, it is always recommended to exercise caution and avoid ingesting any gemstones or minerals.

Where is Tanzanite found?

Tanzanite is found exclusively in the Merelani Hills of northern Tanzania. This region is known for its rich deposits of Tanzanite, making it the primary source of this gemstone.

How is Tanzanite pronounced?

Tanzanite is pronounced as “tan-zuh-nite.” The emphasis is on the second syllable, with a slight pause between “tan” and “zan.”

What chakra is associated with Tanzanite?

Tanzanite is primarily associated with the third eye and crown chakras. It stimulates these energy centers, enhancing intuition, spiritual awareness, and connection to higher realms.

Can Tanzanite be in the sun?

Tanzanite should be protected from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Over time, excessive sunlight can cause the color of Tanzanite to fade or change. It is advisable to store Tanzanite jewelry in a cool, dark place when not being worn.

How to charge Tanzanite?

To charge Tanzanite, you can place it in direct moonlight overnight or bury it in the earth for a few hours. You can also use other crystals such as clear quartz or selenite to amplify its energy.

What is the hardness of Tanzanite?

Tanzanite has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, which means it is relatively durable. However, it is still important to handle Tanzanite with care to avoid scratching or damaging the gemstone.

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