Selenite Guide: Properties and Meaning

Selenite Properties

Color: Colorless (White)
Mohs Hardness: 2
Chakra: Crown
Crystal Structure:Monoclinic
Location: Global

About Selenite

Selenite is a crystal associated with the Crown chakra, located at the top of the head. It has a colorless or white appearance, symbolizing purity and clarity. Selenite brings peace and positive energy to any space, making it a popular choice for spiritual practices. It is particularly effective for full moon rituals and connecting with the divine feminine power. Additionally, Selenite aids in insomnia and promotes restful sleep. Its fragile nature serves as a reminder of our own spiritual essence.

The history of Selenite

Selenite has a rich history dating back to ancient times. It is associated with the Greek moon goddess Selene, who brought light and wisdom. The crystal’s name itself is derived from Selene. Throughout history, Selenite has been used in various ceremonies and rituals due to its powerful vibration of ceremony and wisdom. It has been treasured for its ability to enhance spiritual connections and promote divine guidance. However, it is important to handle Selenite with care as it is fragile and should not be exposed to water.

What are Selenite healing properties?

Selenite brings peace and positive energy to any space. It helps with insomnia and promotes peaceful sleep.

What are Selenite Metaphysical / Spiritual Properties?

Selenite is associated with the Crown chakra, responsible for our connection to the divine and our spiritual nature. It is also great for full moon rituals and connecting with the divine feminine power. Selenite has a vibration of ceremony and wisdom.

What is the color of Selenite and what does it represent?

Selenite’s color is colorless or white, representing purity and clarity.

What is the association of Selenite with the Greek moon goddess Selene?

Selenite is associated with the Greek moon goddess Selene.

What is important to note about Selenite?

It is important to note that Selenite is fragile and should not be exposed to water. Its fragility and strength make it a symbol of our own spiritual nature.

Selenite FAQ

What is Selenite used for?

Selenite is commonly used for energy cleansing and purification. It has the ability to remove negative energy and promote a sense of calm and tranquility. Selenite is also used for spiritual work, meditation, and enhancing intuition.

What does Selenite do?

Selenite is known for its powerful healing properties. It promotes mental clarity, enhances spiritual growth, and improves communication with the divine. Selenite can also help in accessing higher consciousness and connecting with one’s higher self.

Can Selenite go in water?

Yes, Selenite can safely be placed in water. It has a high vibration that can cleanse and charge the water, making it an excellent choice for creating gem-infused water or elixirs.

How to cleanse Selenite?

Selenite is a self-cleansing crystal and does not require frequent cleansing. However, if you feel the need to cleanse it, you can simply place it under running water or leave it in the moonlight overnight. Avoid using saltwater or any harsh chemicals as they can damage the crystal.

What does Selenite do spiritually?

Selenite is highly regarded for its spiritual properties. It opens and activates the crown and higher chakras, facilitating spiritual growth and connection to higher realms. Selenite can also help in accessing past lives, enhancing psychic abilities, and promoting spiritual clarity.

How to clean Selenite?

To clean Selenite, you can gently wipe it with a soft cloth or use a soft brush to remove any dust or debris. Avoid using water or any cleaning agents as they can damage the crystal. It is best to handle Selenite with care as it is a relatively soft stone.

How to spot fake Selenite?

Authentic Selenite has a distinctive fibrous or striated appearance and a translucent to transparent quality. Fake Selenite may appear cloudy, have a plastic-like texture, or lack the characteristic striations. It is always recommended to purchase Selenite from reputable sources to ensure its authenticity.

Is Selenite toxic?

No, Selenite is not toxic. It is a safe and non-toxic crystal that can be handled and used without any harmful effects. However, it is always important to exercise caution and keep small crystals away from young children to prevent accidental ingestion.

Where is Selenite found?

Selenite is found in various parts of the world, including the United States, Mexico, Morocco, and Australia. It is often found in desert regions or areas with evaporite deposits. Some notable locations for Selenite include the Cave of the Crystals in Mexico and the Great Salt Plains in Oklahoma.

How is Selenite pronounced?

Selenite is pronounced as “seh-luh-nite.” The word is derived from the Greek word “selēnitēs,” which means “moonstone” or “moon rock,” referring to its pearly white appearance.

What chakra is associated with Selenite?

Selenite is primarily associated with the crown chakra, which is located at the top of the head. It helps open and activate this chakra, facilitating spiritual connection, higher consciousness, and divine guidance.

Can Selenite be in the sun?

While Selenite is generally safe to be in the sun, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause it to fade or lose its translucency over time. It is best to limit its exposure to sunlight and instead charge it under the moonlight or with other gentle methods.

How to charge Selenite?

Selenite is a self-cleansing and self-charging crystal. However, if you wish to enhance its energy, you can place it under the moonlight overnight or on a selenite charging plate. Selenite can also be charged by placing it near other crystals or using sound vibrations such as singing bowls or bells.

What is the hardness of Selenite?

Selenite has a relatively low hardness on the Mohs scale, ranging from 1.5 to 2. This means it is a relatively soft crystal and should be handled with care to avoid scratches or damage.

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