Prairie Tanzanite Guide: Properties and Meaning

Prairie Tanzanite Properties

Color: pink and white
Mohs Hardness: 7
Chakra: Heart
Crystal Structure:Orthorhombic.
Location: Wyoming

About Prairie Tanzanite

Prairie Tanzanite is a gemstone associated with the Heart chakra, located in the center of the chest. It is predominantly pink and white in color, symbolizing love, purity, and innocence. This gemstone serves as a talisman of emotional healing, bringing balance and purification to the spirit. It has the remarkable ability to calm feelings of anxiety and fear, replacing them with a sense of clarity and calm. Prairie Tanzanite releases negative energy from the emotional body, bringing more balance and stability to the Heart chakra.

The history of Prairie Tanzanite

The history of Prairie Tanzanite is rooted in its association with the Heart chakra and its connection to love and compassion. While the gemstone itself may not have a long historical record, the concept of using gemstones for healing and spiritual purposes dates back centuries. Throughout history, various cultures have recognized the power of gemstones to influence emotions and promote well-being. Prairie Tanzanite, with its pink and white hues, has been cherished for its ability to bring emotional healing and balance to individuals. Its history is intertwined with the belief in the power of gemstones to enhance our ability to love, connect with others, and experience compassion and empathy.

What are Prairie Tanzanite healing properties?

Prairie Tanzanite serves as a talisman of emotional healing, bringing balance and purification to the spirit. It calms feelings of anxiety and fear, replacing them with a sense of clarity and calm. Prairie Tanzanite releases negative energy from the emotional body, bringing more balance and stability to the Heart chakra.

What are Prairie Tanzanite Metaphysical / Spiritual Properties?

Prairie Tanzanite is associated with the Heart chakra, responsible for our ability to love and connect with others, as well as feel compassion and empathy. The color of Prairie Tanzanite, predominantly pink and white, is often associated with love, purity, and innocence. It serves as a talisman of emotional healing, bringing balance and purification to the spirit. Prairie Tanzanite calms feelings of anxiety and fear, replacing them with a sense of clarity and calm. It also releases negative energy from the emotional body, bringing more balance and stability to the Heart chakra.

Prairie Tanzanite FAQ

What is Prairie Tanzanite used for?

Prairie Tanzanite is used for various purposes, including jewelry making, crystal healing, and spiritual practices. Its stunning blue-violet color and unique energy make it a popular choice for creating beautiful gemstone jewelry. Additionally, Prairie Tanzanite has metaphysical properties that can enhance intuition, promote emotional healing, and stimulate spiritual growth.

What does Prairie Tanzanite do?

Prairie Tanzanite stimulates the third eye and crown chakras, enhancing psychic abilities, intuition, and spiritual awareness. It promotes clarity of thought, deep meditation, and a connection to higher realms. Prairie Tanzanite also assists in emotional healing, helping individuals release negative patterns and find inner peace.

Can Prairie Tanzanite go in water?

It is generally not recommended to submerge Prairie Tanzanite in water for an extended period. While it is a relatively durable gemstone, prolonged exposure to water can potentially damage its structure or affect its color. It is best to avoid wearing Prairie Tanzanite jewelry while swimming or bathing to ensure its longevity.

How to cleanse Prairie Tanzanite?

To cleanse Prairie Tanzanite, you can use various methods such as smudging with sage or palo santo, placing it on a selenite charging plate, or using sound vibrations from a singing bowl or tuning fork. Another effective way to cleanse Prairie Tanzanite is by placing it under running water for a few minutes. However, be cautious not to expose it to water for too long.

What does Prairie Tanzanite do spiritually?

Spiritually, Prairie Tanzanite enhances psychic abilities, intuition, and spiritual growth. It helps individuals connect with their higher selves, access higher realms of consciousness, and receive guidance from the spiritual realm. Prairie Tanzanite also promotes spiritual healing, assisting in releasing blockages and facilitating spiritual transformation.

How to clean Prairie Tanzanite?

To clean Prairie Tanzanite, you can use a soft, lint-free cloth or a jewelry cleaning solution specifically designed for gemstones. Gently wipe the gemstone to remove any dirt or oils that may have accumulated. Avoid using harsh chemicals or ultrasonic cleaners, as they can potentially damage the gemstone.

How to spot fake Prairie Tanzanite?

To spot fake Prairie Tanzanite, it is essential to look for certain characteristics. Genuine Prairie Tanzanite has a distinct blue-violet color, often with hints of purple. It should also have a high level of transparency and exhibit a strong pleochroism, meaning it displays different colors when viewed from different angles. Additionally, genuine Prairie Tanzanite is relatively rare and valuable, so if the price seems too good to be true, it may be an indication of a fake gemstone.

Is Prairie Tanzanite toxic?

No, Prairie Tanzanite is not toxic. It is a naturally occurring gemstone composed of calcium aluminum silicate. However, it is always advisable to handle gemstones with care and avoid ingesting them. If accidentally swallowed, it is recommended to seek medical advice.

Where is Prairie Tanzanite found?

Prairie Tanzanite is found in the prairies of North America, particularly in the states of Montana and Wyoming. These regions are known for their rich deposits of this beautiful gemstone. The unique geological conditions in these areas have contributed to the formation of Prairie Tanzanite over millions of years.

How is Prairie Tanzanite pronounced?

Prairie Tanzanite is pronounced as “prair-ee tan-zuh-nite.” The word “prairie” is pronounced as “prair-ee,” emphasizing the long “a” sound, while “tanzanite” is pronounced as “tan-zuh-nite,” with the stress on the second syllable.

What chakra is associated with Prairie Tanzanite?

Prairie Tanzanite is primarily associated with the third eye and crown chakras. It stimulates these energy centers, promoting spiritual awareness, intuition, and a deeper connection to higher realms. Prairie Tanzanite’s energy can help balance and align these chakras, facilitating spiritual growth and enhancing one’s psychic abilities.

Can Prairie Tanzanite be in the sun?

While Prairie Tanzanite can be exposed to sunlight, it is generally recommended to avoid prolonged direct sunlight. Excessive exposure to sunlight can potentially fade or alter the color of the gemstone over time. It is advisable to store Prairie Tanzanite jewelry in a cool, dark place when not in use to preserve its vibrant color.

How to charge Prairie Tanzanite?

To charge Prairie Tanzanite, you can place it in direct moonlight overnight, particularly during the full moon phase. The moon’s energy will infuse the gemstone, enhancing its metaphysical properties. You can also charge Prairie Tanzanite by burying it in the earth for a few hours or by placing it on a selenite charging plate.

What is the hardness of Prairie Tanzanite?

Prairie Tanzanite has a hardness of 6 to 7 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. While it is relatively durable, it is still important to handle Prairie Tanzanite with care to avoid scratching or damaging the gemstone.

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