Lemurian Blue Calcite Guide: Properties and Meaning

Lemurian Blue Calcite Properties

Color: Blue
Mohs Hardness: 3
Chakra: Throat, Heart
Crystal Structure:Trigonal
Location: Argentina

About Lemurian Blue Calcite

Lemurian Blue Calcite is a stunning stone that has a powerful impact on the Throat and Heart chakras. Its beautiful blue color resembles the ocean and is associated with water and earth energies. This stone promotes happiness, peace, and deep emotional healing. It also unlocks past life memories and facilitates interdimensional communication. Calcite Lemurian Blue is a strong water element stone that reminds you of your healing power and lineage. It carries ascension energies and a strong vibrational connection to the source.

The history of Lemurian Blue Calcite

Lemurian Blue Calcite originates from Lemuria, a lost civilization that existed in the Pacific Ocean. This ancient civilization possessed advanced spiritual knowledge and wisdom. The stone is named after Lemuria due to its association with the energy and vibrations of this mystical land. While the existence of Lemuria is still a topic of debate among historians and scientists, many spiritual practitioners and crystal enthusiasts believe in its existence and the powerful energy that Lemurian Blue Calcite carries. This stone serves as a reminder of our connection to ancient civilizations and the potential for spiritual growth and healing.

What are Lemurian Blue Calcite healing properties?

Lemurian Blue Calcite has a powerful impact on the Throat and Heart chakras. It promotes happiness, peace, and deep emotional healing.

What are Lemurian Blue Calcite Metaphysical / Spiritual Properties?

Lemurian Blue Calcite is associated with water and earth energies. It unlocks past life memories and facilitates interdimensional communication. It carries ascension energies and a strong vibrational connection to the source.

Where does Lemurian Blue Calcite originate from?

Lemurian Blue Calcite originates from Lemuria, a lost civilization that existed in the Pacific Ocean.

Lemurian Blue Calcite FAQ

What is Lemurian Blue Calcite used for?

Lemurian Blue Calcite enhances communication and promotes emotional healing. It helps with emotional trauma, anxiety, and stress. This gemstone also enhances psychic abilities and spiritual growth.

What does Lemurian Blue Calcite do?

Lemurian Blue Calcite has calming and soothing properties. It releases emotional blockages and promotes inner peace and tranquility. This gemstone also enhances intuition and psychic abilities, allowing for clearer communication and understanding.

Can Lemurian Blue Calcite go in water?

Yes, Lemurian Blue Calcite can be placed in water. It is safe to use in water for making gemstone elixirs or for cleansing and charging the crystal. However, it is always recommended to check with a knowledgeable source or a gemstone expert before using any gemstone in water.

How to cleanse Lemurian Blue Calcite?

To cleanse Lemurian Blue Calcite, you can use various methods such as smudging with sage or palo santo, placing it under running water, or using sound vibrations like singing bowls or bells. Another effective method is to bury the crystal in the earth for a few hours or overnight.

What does Lemurian Blue Calcite do spiritually?

Lemurian Blue Calcite is highly regarded for its spiritual properties. It enhances spiritual growth, aids in connecting with higher realms, and facilitates communication with spirit guides and angels. This gemstone also helps in accessing past life memories and promoting soul healing.

How to clean Lemurian Blue Calcite?

To clean Lemurian Blue Calcite, you can gently wipe it with a soft cloth or use a mild soap and water solution. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials as they can damage the crystal. It is important to handle this gemstone with care to maintain its natural beauty and energy.

How to spot fake Lemurian Blue Calcite?

To spot fake Lemurian Blue Calcite, you can look for certain characteristics. Genuine Lemurian Blue Calcite has a soft blue color with white or gray streaks. It may also have natural inclusions or patterns. Fake stones may have a uniform color, lack natural patterns, or appear too perfect and flawless.

Is Lemurian Blue Calcite toxic?

No, Lemurian Blue Calcite is not toxic. It is safe to handle and use in various forms of crystal healing. However, it is always recommended to wash your hands after handling any gemstone and avoid ingesting or inhaling any gemstone dust or fragments.

Where is Lemurian Blue Calcite found?

Lemurian Blue Calcite is primarily found in Madagascar. It is named after the ancient civilization of Lemuria, which existed in that region. This gemstone is also found in other parts of the world, including Brazil, the United States, and Canada.

How is Lemurian Blue Calcite pronounced?

Lemurian Blue Calcite is pronounced as “luh-MUR-ee-uhn bloo KAL-sahyt.” The word “Lemurian” refers to the ancient civilization of Lemuria, and “Calcite” refers to the mineral composition of the gemstone.

What chakra is associated with Lemurian Blue Calcite?

Lemurian Blue Calcite is associated with the throat chakra. It enhances communication, self-expression, and speaking one’s truth. This gemstone also stimulates the third eye chakra, promoting intuition and psychic abilities.

Can Lemurian Blue Calcite be in the sun?

Yes, Lemurian Blue Calcite can be placed in the sun. However, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may cause the color of the gemstone to fade over time. It is recommended to limit sun exposure or use indirect sunlight for charging and energizing this crystal.

How to charge Lemurian Blue Calcite?

To charge Lemurian Blue Calcite, you can place it under the moonlight overnight or in a bowl of natural sea salt. You can also use other crystals such as clear quartz or selenite to amplify its energy. Visualizing white light or using sound vibrations can also help in charging this gemstone.

What is the hardness of Lemurian Blue Calcite?

Lemurian Blue Calcite has a relatively low hardness of around 3 on the Mohs scale. This means it is relatively soft and can be easily scratched or damaged. It is important to handle this gemstone with care and avoid exposing it to rough surfaces or harsh chemicals.

Lemurian Blue Calcite