Elestial Quartz Guide: Properties and Meaning

Elestial Quartz Properties

Color: White
Mohs Hardness: 7
Chakra: Soul Star
Crystal Structure:Trigonal
Location: Brazil, Africa, Madagascar, Romania, US

About Elestial Quartz

Elestial Quartz is a powerful crystal associated with the Soul Star chakra, located above the crown chakra. It activates past life wisdom and memories, heals secrets of the past, and raises energy for intentions. Elestial Quartz carries a specific frequency and set of light codes that unlock the mysteries of the universe and connect us with our higher selves. The color of Elestial Quartz can vary from clear to smoky brown, and it serves as the gateway to higher dimensions, associated with spiritual enlightenment and cosmic consciousness.

The history of Elestial Quartz

The history of Elestial Quartz is deeply rooted in ancient civilizations and their spiritual practices. This crystal has been revered for centuries for its profound metaphysical properties and its ability to access higher realms of consciousness. Elestial Quartz was used by ancient shamans and healers to connect with the divine and gain spiritual insights. The exact origins of Elestial Quartz are unknown, but it has been found in various parts of the world, including Brazil, Madagascar, and the United States. Throughout history, this crystal has been highly sought after for its transformative and enlightening qualities.

What are Elestial Quartz healing properties?

Elestial Quartz activates past life wisdom and memories. It heals secrets of the past and raises energy for intentions. It carries a specific frequency and set of light codes that unlock the mysteries of the universe and connect us with our higher selves.

What are Elestial Quartz Metaphysical/Spiritual Properties?

Elestial Quartz is associated with the Soul Star chakra, located above the crown chakra. It serves as the gateway to the higher dimensions and is associated with spiritual enlightenment and cosmic consciousness. The crystal’s color can vary from clear to smoky brown.

Elestial Quartz FAQ

What is Elestial Quartz used for?

Elestial Quartz is used for spiritual healing and growth. It enhances intuition, promotes emotional healing, and provides protection against negative energies. It is also used for meditation and connecting with higher realms of consciousness.

What does Elestial Quartz do?

Elestial Quartz is known for its powerful energy and ability to amplify intentions. It helps release emotional blockages, promotes spiritual growth, and enhances psychic abilities. It brings clarity and insight, helping individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their life purpose.

Can Elestial Quartz go in water?

Yes, Elestial Quartz can be safely placed in water. In fact, many people use it to infuse their drinking water with its healing properties. However, it is important to note that not all gemstones are safe to put in water, so it is always best to research the specific gemstone before submerging it.

How to cleanse Elestial Quartz?

To cleanse Elestial Quartz, you can use various methods such as smudging with sage or palo santo, placing it under running water, or burying it in the earth for a period of time. You can also cleanse it by placing it in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours. Intention and visualization can also be used to cleanse the crystal.

What does Elestial Quartz do spiritually?

Elestial Quartz is highly regarded for its spiritual properties. It facilitates spiritual growth, enhances intuition, and deepens one’s connection with higher realms of consciousness. It helps individuals access past life memories, release karmic patterns, and gain a greater understanding of their soul’s journey.

How to clean Elestial Quartz?

To clean Elestial Quartz, you can gently wipe it with a soft cloth or use a mild soap and water solution. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that may damage the crystal. After cleaning, it is recommended to cleanse and recharge the crystal to restore its energy.

How to spot fake Elestial Quartz?

To spot fake Elestial Quartz, it is important to look for certain characteristics. Genuine Elestial Quartz will have natural formations and intricate patterns, often resembling layers or steps. It may also have a slightly rough texture and exhibit a range of colors, including clear, smoky, or milky white. Be cautious of crystals that appear too perfect or have an unnatural color.

Is Elestial Quartz toxic?

No, Elestial Quartz is not toxic. It is a naturally occurring mineral and does not contain any harmful substances. However, it is always important to handle any crystal with care and wash your hands after handling, as some crystals may have sharp edges that can cause injury.

Where is Elestial Quartz found?

Elestial Quartz is found in various locations around the world, including Brazil, Madagascar, Namibia, and the United States. Each location may produce Elestial Quartz with slightly different characteristics and energies.

How is Elestial Quartz pronounced?

Elestial Quartz is pronounced as ee-LEE-shuhl kwarts.

What chakra is associated with Elestial Quartz?

Elestial Quartz is associated with the Crown Chakra, which is located at the top of the head. It helps open and activate this chakra, allowing for a deeper connection with higher consciousness and spiritual wisdom.

Can Elestial Quartz be in the sun?

Yes, Elestial Quartz can be safely placed in the sun. Sunlight is a natural source of energy and can help recharge and cleanse the crystal. However, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may cause the crystal’s color to fade over time, so it is best to limit sun exposure to a few hours.

How to charge Elestial Quartz?

To charge Elestial Quartz, you can place it in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours. You can also bury it in the earth or use other crystals such as Clear Quartz or Selenite to amplify its energy. Setting clear intentions and visualizing the crystal being filled with light and positive energy can also help charge it.

What is the hardness of Elestial Quartz?

Elestial Quartz has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, which means it is relatively durable and resistant to scratches. However, it is still important to handle it with care to avoid any potential damage.

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