Bloodstone, also known as heliotrope, is our absolute favorite for pain relief and a versatile go-to stone for any kind…
Animal Guides
Spirit Animal Guides are the animals who come to us to offer wisdom, comfort, protection, and so much more. As the name implies, their essential role is to offer guidance. They often embody a lesson we are meant to learn, and their traits usually correspond to our own traits, whether evident or undiscovered within ourselves. These guides connect us with the wild, natural, animalistic energies of our core being. When you tap into your Spirit Animal energy, you gain access to the might of a lion, for example, or the perspective of an eagle—power and wisdom that innately resides within you. People discover their Spirit Animal Guides in many different ways. It may be an animal you see often in the wild, or one that comes to you in your dreams. However you discover yours, keep the journey of discovery ongoing. Explore the strengths and weaknesses of your Spirit Animal Guide; watch and listen for the lessons it imparts, and take comfort in its presence on your spiritual path.