Are you ready to expand your awareness in powerful ways? 2017 is YOUR year – a year of mastery, integration, and implementation of wisdom. What better way to connect to the energy of this year than through education, community, and new experiences? Sage Goddess 2017 online programs offer you many ways to engage with me, and to learn with me and others who share your interests. Come join our SG member programs and you’ll be immersed in new knowledge, surrounded by supportive peers, and introduced to metaphysical concepts from all traditions.
There are four new programs available to you in 2017, three of which are open to practitioners at any level with no pre-requisite training. All classes meet once per month in the evening, via a live online classroom. Each session is recorded for later viewing if you’re unable to attend the live class. In case you enrolled after February, you can purchase back classes through this listing. You can enroll in time for next month’s classes here. If you would like to purchase back classes, you can do so through this listing for Magical Sabbatical. If you would like to purchase class kits and tools, you can do so here.
Magical Sabbatical
Magical Sabbatical is my continuing women’s course on magic and ritual, with an emphasis this year on quantum mechanics and vibrational healing. This course is ideal for beginners but also for advanced practitioners who desire to take their metaphysical work deeper this year. Our monthly class will be a combination of meditation, discussion, and application of the month’s theme. We will learn how to incorporate elements of Feng Shui to raise specific energies of manifestation and integration with an emphasis on altar creation, placement, and maintenance. Sabbatical focuses on the process of activating and integrating magic in order to yield powerful results in your life. There are no prerequisites for this class.
After the 1st of each month the previous month’s class will be available for purchase here. By enrolling in the classes you get to participate live and you get a significant discount as well. February 2017 was our first class.
Currently available:
February 2017
March 2017
April 2017
May 2017
June 2017
July 2017
August 2017
September 2017
October 2017
November 2017
December 2017
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