Join me for my very special live 2-hour Manifestation Master Class on June 29.
I have never taught this class before, and I never will again! This class is FREE to Soul Shift Alchemize members (class tools not included). For Soul Shift Crystal Masters members and anyone not in my full Soul Shift Alchemize program, you have the option to sign up for Soul Shift to receive this class free OR purchase the class and tools together or on their own. You also have the option to purchase the canvas on its own.
I do manifestation differently. I teach it differently. I didn’t learn from one teacher, one tradition, or one practice. Instead, over the last three decades, I have created a powerful, multi-dimensional process anchored in the five elements, the seven Hermetic principles, and my three secret keys (focus, faith, and fantasy). I have manifested every single one of my goals and visions, and I am here to teach you how to do the same through my Manifestation Master Class and Ritual Tool Set. Learn more about the class here.
The tools in this set were intentionally created to complement this class and to assist you in powerfully calling forth your desires and intentions. You will receive a bottle of my Manifestation Perfume, Manifestation Intention Candle, crystal grid set including 17 stones for manifestation with a gridding canvas, rutilated quartz bracelet, and heart seed papers, which I will teach you how to use during the class.
If you’re ready to receive and experience your own dreams coming true, I invite you to join me for this one-time opportunity. You will learn manifestation the way I have practiced it successfully for more than half my life to achieve the career, health, and love of my dreams.
Join me on Tuesday, June 29 at 2:30 pm PT for my live online Manifestation Master Class where we’ll be working with the accompanying tool set. RSVP on our event page here to receive live updates about the class.
This class is FREE for Soul Shift Alchemize members (Everyone else has the option to purchase the class and tools together or on their own). The link to this class will be posted in the Soul Shift online classroom in June. Class tools are optional but highly recommended.
Sign up for Soul Shift Alchemize in June and receive four 2-hour Soul Shift classes, FREE Litha Summer Gateway Ceremony, FREE Manifestation Masterclass, Elder Council journey, four live group readings with me, and a coaching and debrief session with me, all for $90. Membership also includes access to a private Facebook group, personalized worksheets, discounts, and more. Learn more and sign up here.
If you purchase this class, you will automatically be emailed a link to view the class live on YouTube on June 29. Please check your emails and your spam folder!
The deeper magic of my Manifestation Master Class and Ritual Tool Set
Manifesting is a discipline anyone can learn, but it takes practice, consistency, and intention. In short, manifestation is not easy, and it takes work. If it were easy, everyone would have everything they desire.
If you’re ready to deepen your inner wisdom and unlock prosperity, joy, and more, sign up for my Soul Shift Alchemize program. Learn more and sign up here.
You will receive the following class tools:
One (1) 17 ml bottle of Manifestation Perfume. I have taken my Manifestation Perfume, an SG favorite, and added one more note to this potent blend: Balm of Gilead essential oil, wild-crafted from the bark of the Canadian balsam poplar tree. Balm of Gilead is healing, protective, and boosts manifestation. It soothes stress and tension, heals the heart, and readies you for new love. This blend also contains notes of vanilla, dark and light patchouli, frankincense, myrrh, and Peruvian balsam infused with a citrine chip stone for prosperity and money magic. Vanilla is a powerful aphrodisiac that enhances libido and increases sexual arousal. Patchouli is an herb or attraction that draws your desires to you and makes you more alluring to others. It’s centering, grounding, arouses passion, and attracts love, wealth, and abundance. Frankincense connects you to Source energy. The Chinese called it “fanhunxiang” meaning “calling back the soul fragrance.” It also promotes feelings of satisfaction, peace, and reduces stress. Its transformative nature outlines what no longer serves you, dispersing that energy so you can experience joy and stay present. Myrrh helps with manifestation, attracts wealth and abundance, and supports the release of the past. Its aroma lifts and clears stagnant or negative vibrations, aiding those in need of energetic rescue. Peruvian balsam is peaceful and healing, promoting unconditional love and empathy. Its warm scent is gently protective and its essence will keep you safe and stable as you go about your sacred practice.
One (1) 6 oz Manifestation Intention Jar Candle. This poured candle is a soy wax blend and is blended with my Manifestation Perfume. It’s infused with a citrine chip stone for prosperity and money magic and topped with gold glitter and a clear quartz point to amplify and direct the energies of manifestation.
One (1) tumbled rutilated quartz stretch bracelet (about 7”). Rutilated quartz carries a message for you that can be decoded in meditation. Often, these messages are about the next steps on your journey. This stone reflects change and opens the Solar Plexus Chakra. It draws change to you, your environment, and your relationships. We will activate this bracelet together during class to decipher the messages the rutilated quartz has for you.
Two (2) heart seed papers for planting (2.85” x 2.5”). We will work with these papers during class and I will teach you how to use them for manifestation. These large heart-shaped seed papers are made from 100% tree-free lotka recycled paper and will sprout flowers when planted. Each sheet is die-cut from paper made in the USA from a wildflower blend of US-origin wildflower seeds including snapdragon, petunia, beardtongue, daisy, thyme, poppy, foxglove, catchfly, maiden pink, and chamomile. Once planted, the seeds embedded in the paper will begin to grow – some within one week and others up to six weeks, depending on the region you’re located in. The flowers can grow to about 3’. If planting your seed paper indoors, cover with 1/8” of soil and keep moist.
You will also receive one (1) crystal grid for manifestation. You can choose from a medium or large grid set when buying the tools separately. The class and tools combination comes with the large grid.
Creating grids is one of the most effective ways that I put my precious gems to work. The power of a crystal grid comes from the union of energies created between the healing stones, sacred geometry, and the energy of your intention. Combining the power of crystals with a geometric pattern radiates your intention to manifest results. Gridding creates an energetic force field that can be placed in strategic locations.
Learn more about creating crystal grids here
Large Crystal Grid Set includes:
One (1) 8×10” manifestation canvas for grid activation. This beautiful canvas mat features original SG artwork, created by my very own team of talented designers. Work with this mat to grid with the stones in this set.
One (1) clear quartz pyramid (about 0.5-1″). This is the centerpiece of your grid. Clear quartz is the most pervasive crystal in the gem world and has three major properties: Amplification, programmability, and magnification. It can be used to boost the energies of other stones or seal intentions and is ideal for crystal grids. Clear quartz activates the Soul Star Chakra, your connection to the stars, and other dimensions. It possesses a high vibration that immediately draws people in, and it can be used to magnify frequencies of abundance, light, and love – or any intention you wish to amplify.
The pyramid is a sacred symbol across many cultures and has been for millennia. It represents the element of fire and creates a natural balance between the physical and spiritual. Pyramids symbolize the union of the trinity and the four directions, creating a vortex of energy that can heal, purify, and magnify whatever you focus your intentions on.
Four (4) natural rhodizite (about 0.1″). Rhodizite is a potent tool for manifestation work – I’ve been working with it to amplify energy and manifest for years. It resonates with the Solar Plexus Chakra and stimulates willpower, optimism, and enthusiasm. Rhodizite is a powerful attraction stone. This high vibrational gem is like the Law of Attraction in crystal form and helps you receive more of what you seek. Rhodizite also rockets your self-esteem and confidence to new levels, helping you be a powerful figure in your own life and make your desires and dreams a reality.
Two (2) natural orange spessartine garnet (about 0.25”). Spessartine garnet is traditionally a reddish-orange color and to see it in such a rich orange state is a treat – just like watching the sunset. No wonder it’s known as the garnet of the sun! Spessartine garnet is a manifestation stone that helps you actualize your heart’s desires by igniting dormant passion and supporting you through the conception and birthing of your dreams. This gem is great for artists, writers, dancers, and anyone who expresses creative energy through manifestation. It opens the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakras and enhances creativity, imaginative thinking, and awakens the kundalini.
Two (2) tumbled peridot (about 0.25”). Peridot is a beautiful Heart Chakra gem that brings good fortune and luck. It also attracts prosperity and helps you manifest your desires. As a stone of the Sun and self-actualization, peridot strengthens your dedication and leadership abilities. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed peridot had special powers as a Wayseer’s stone. They thought that in the night peridot glowed from within and would lead seekers to their intended path – often toward treasure.
One (1) natural yellow apatite (about 0.5″). Yellow apatite is a very rare hexagonal mineral that activates the Solar Plexus Chakra. It’s one of the most important stones for manifestation. It also brings faith and optimism. Yellow apatite is the secret weapon for holding your frequency, which is one of the biggest challenges to manifestation.
One (1) natural golden scapolite (about 0.25-0.5”). Scapolite helps you get out of your own way and avoid self-sabotage to ensure successful outcomes. This stone will kick your butt a bit, but it’s all in service of moving you forward on your soul path with courage and trust. Golden scapolite uplifts your mood, increases vitality, and supports greater confidence. It activates the Solar Plexus Chakra for courage and willpower and strengthens your ability to make positive changes. Golden scapolite supports you in manifesting success through trust and surrender.
One (1) tumbled arfvedsonite (about 1″). Arfvedsonite is a powerful manifestation and attraction stone that facilitates the arrival of your desires. It’s often mistaken for nuummite or astrophyllite, but make no mistake, this gem has powerful attraction magic that’s exclusively its own. You’ll know arfvedsonite by its blue flashes – people also get it confused with astrophyllite which has bronze/gold colored flashes. This stone activates the Root and Third Eye Chakras, relieves stress, clears the mind, centers thoughts, and brings creative visualization. Arfvedsonite also helps you redirect your actions for the highest productivity.
One (1) tumbled yellow aventurine (about 0.5-1”). Yellow aventurine invokes fearless adventure and empowers you through lived experiences. It heals relationships, aids in manifestation, and strengthens your personal power. Yellow aventurine is a great stone to work with when you’re ready to evolve, elevate, and expand. It resonates with and opens the Solar Plexus Chakra, boosting vitality, action, and confidence.
Four (4) clear quartz points (about 0.5”). These points are for the outer corners of your grid – to amplify and direct the energy. Crystal points harness the output of energy, and you can work with them to send that energy wherever desired or needed. Please see the properties of clear quartz above.
Medium Crystal Grid Set includes:
One (1) clear quartz obelisk (about 1”). This is the centerpiece of your grid. Clear quartz is the most pervasive crystal in the gem world and has three major properties: Amplification, programmability, and magnification. It can be used to boost the energies of other stones or seal intentions and is ideal for crystal grids. Clear quartz activates the Soul Star Chakra, your connection to the stars, and other dimensions. It possesses a high vibration that immediately draws people in, and it can be used to magnify frequencies of abundance, light, and love – or any intention you wish to amplify.
The obelisk was sacred to the ancient Egyptians, who created it in an effort to lift their pyramids into the sky and bring them closer to God. The bottom of an obelisk is a cube, representing the four directions and four elements, and the top is a pyramid. The Egyptians believed this shape stabilized and raised energy in a powerful way. Obelisks possess the power of the pyramid with the magic of a generator combined, and the result is an extraordinary channeler of balanced energy.
One (1) green sapphire (about 0.25”). Green sapphire is a Heart Chakra gem that brings wisdom, loyalty, and integrity. Its soothing energy promotes clarity, tolerance, and eases stress and tension. Green sapphire is also a healing stone that calms the spirit and aids with dream recall. It releases anger, reduces the presence of negative thoughts, and is a powerful gem to work with to enhance intuition.
One (1) tumbled peridot (about 0.25”). Peridot is a beautiful Heart Chakra gem that brings good fortune and luck. It also attracts prosperity and helps you manifest your desires. As a stone of the Sun and self-actualization, peridot strengthens your dedication and leadership abilities. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed peridot had special powers as a Wayseer’s stone. They thought that in the night peridot glowed from within and would lead seekers to their intended path – often toward treasure.
One (1) natural rhodizite crystal (about 0.1”). Rhodizite is a potent tool for manifestation work – I’ve been working with it to amplify energy and manifest for years. It resonates with the Solar Plexus Chakra and stimulates willpower, optimism, and enthusiasm. Rhodizite is a powerful attraction stone. This high vibrational gem is like the Law of Attraction in crystal form and helps you receive more of what you seek. Rhodizite also rockets your self-esteem and confidence to new levels, helping you be a powerful figure in your own life and make your desires and dreams a reality.
One (1) natural golden scapolite (about 0.25”). Scapolite helps you get out of your own way and avoid self-sabotage to ensure successful outcomes. This stone will kick your butt a bit, but it’s all in service of moving you forward on your soul path with courage and trust. Golden scapolite uplifts your mood, increases vitality, and supports greater confidence. It activates the Solar Plexus Chakra for courage and willpower and strengthens your ability to make positive changes. Golden scapolite supports you in manifesting success through trust and surrender.
One (1) natural orange spessartine garnet (about 0.25”). Spessartine garnet is traditionally a reddish-orange color and to see it in such a rich orange state is a treat – just like watching the sunset. No wonder it’s known as the garnet of the sun! Spessartine garnet is a manifestation stone that helps you actualize your heart’s desires by igniting dormant passion and supporting you through the conception and birthing of your dreams. This gem is great for artists, writers, dancers, and anyone who expresses creative energy through manifestation. It opens the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakras and enhances creativity, imaginative thinking, and awakens the kundalini.
Four (4) mini quartz point wands (about 0.25”). These points are for the outer corners of your grid – to amplify and direct the energy. Crystal points harness the output of energy, and you can work with them to send that energy wherever desired or needed. Please see the properties of clear quartz above.
For more classes like this and to explore your spirituality, expand your personal power, and deepen your unlimited potential, sign up for my Soul Shift Alchemize program. Remember, if you register in June, you will receive four 2-hour Soul Shift classes, FREE Litha Summer Gateway Ceremony, FREE Manifestation Masterclass, Four live group readings with me, and a coaching and debrief session with me, all for $90. Learn more and sign up here.
This listing is for one (1) Manifestation Master Class and Ritual Tool Set, as described above. I have five options to offer you: Class with Tools and Large Grid, Class Only, Tools Only with Large Grid, Tools Only with Medium Grid, and Canvas Only. Please choose the offering that calls to you from the drop-down menu. If you order the tool set, yours will arrive lovingly parceled along with a single leaf of white sage and a parchment describing the properties of the stones.
Note: Please always burn your Manifestation Intention Candle on a heatproof stable surface, and never leave a burning candle unattended.
Note: My Manifestation Perfume is made with natural essential and carrier oils and may contain fragrance oils. Cap color, chip stone, and color may vary slightly. For external use only.
Under California law (Proposition 65), we are required to inform you that because this item contains an agricultural product(s), it may also expose you to certain chemicals – natural or otherwise occurring, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to:
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Charge your tools with orgone energy on my custom Orgonite Charging Plate.
Anoint your crystals and gemstone jewelry with my SG Anointing Blend.
Want to learn more about gems, minerals, and crystal healing? Join our private Facebook group at
Want to learn more about perfume and aromatherapy? Join our private Facebook group at
raelynstanhope17 –
I loved the manifestaion class. I know that manifestations are more than just a dream board and you taught me so much more and really added to my knowledge base. How is this for manifestions….Sage Goddess Logo is on my 2021 Dream Board and not only did I get to purchase your class I have been able to purchase so many more cyrstals since adding your logo AND I purchased my VERY FIRST KIT for the LIONS GATE and I am sooooo excited to use it with your class and make some Magic. Happy 10th Anniversary and thanks again for all you do for our community!
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tikitiffany –
I don’t usually buy the tools for class but this kit called to me. One of the reasons was the colour. I love bright happy colours. The class was amazing and having the tools with the class really shifted my mindset on manifesting. At first I wasn’t sure I liked the smell of the perfume or the candle but the more I smelled it the more I enjoyed it. I love the added touch of glitter in the candle. Fun!
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Angie Bey –
I can’t wait for this class! Athena you are amazing and such a beautiful soul! I’m so glad I found you. This kit is awesome omg the perfume is exquisite! The crystals are beautiful and I can’t wait to burn this Manifestation candle!! Thank you!!
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ronejoy5 –
Well it still in the Package. I looked at everything .I can’t wait to use .everything was in good shape when I got . And it came fast. But some of little stuff I don’t what it is .but why I’m so excited for this day to come.🤗
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Germanyjingle11 –
Stunning and gorgeous!! 🥰✨✨✨ Sooo very impressed with the gorgeous quality of the items, the quick shipping, and the extra touches included with the thoughtful packaging!! 💕 Thank you so much!! 💕✨
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Yvonne Castillo –
I was able to get the canvas and it’s beautiful, hopefully the tool set will be restocked.
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