Blue moon, new beginnings & exciting offerings

Goddess Guide

Blue moon, new beginnings & exciting offerings

Greetings from Goddessland!

I am so, so, so excited to unveil two new offerings that will allow us to interact more directly! And it all begins at the Blue Moon this August 31, 2012.

Blue moons are sacred events; they only happen 1-2 times per year and in fact, this is the last blue moon until 2016! The blue moon is an energetic portal that opens space for new beginnings and initiations. Are you wanting a fresh start? A new beginning? Here’s your chance!

Come celebrate with me!

The Blue Moon ritual will be a live videocast on the evening of August 31 at 6 p.m. PST. You can participate right along with me from the comfort of your home. All you need is a candle, some gems, and an annointing oil. You can use your own or you can purchase the Blue Moon candles, gems, or complete ritual kits from my Etsy shop.

For details and to register for the blue moon ceremony, join my Facebook event here:

When the videocast starts you’ll be able to participate live right from Facebook! Oh the wonders of technology! But wait – there’s more!

The night of the Blue Moon isn’t just a moon ritual – it’s the opening ceremony of my eight-week “magical sabbatical” where together, a group of beloved seekers and I will begin a journey to initiate full goddess transformation in our lives. We’ll do this through ritual, ceremony, direct teaching, peer support, dreamstate exploration, and meditation.

A sabbatical is a “break” from reality, suspension of the status quo, and that’s exactly what this is. I’ve designed the experience to be a magical, mystical oasis for two months where we’ll explore how to use gemstones, annointing and perfume oils, and candles to raise energetic vibrations, seal sacred intentions, and interrupt old patterns of beliefs and behaviors that don’t serve you. You’ll also learn how to create sacred spaces, hold ceremony, prepare for ritual work, and just have a ton of magical fun in your life. You can go at your own pace in any time zone.

Blue Moon KitLike with the Blue Moon ritual, you need to bring candles, oils, and gems to this experience. You can use your own, or there is a dedicated Magical Sabbatical ritual set in my Etsy shop here:

To learn more about the Magical Sabbatical, visit We begin the night of the Blue Moon with the opening ceremony to which you’re all invited!

I’m over the moon (pun intended) to connect with you in these new ways and share all that I know in order to enrich your life and spiritual practice.

And so it is.

With love and anticipation of fun ahead later this month,

One thought on “Blue moon, new beginnings & exciting offerings

  1. Thanks so much for your amazing oils stones and candles…I have been practicing ritual myself with with tools for the past three years, and am loving how beautifully and artistically you present and package them…It is truly a labor of love…Thank you Athena-

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