How to Strengthen Your Intuition by Balancing Your Third Eye Chakra

Goddess Guide

How to Strengthen Your Intuition by Balancing Your Third Eye Chakra

Balancing Chakras

I like to focus on health and well being, and for me this work begins at the level of energy within my body. We have energy centers (known as chakras, which means “wheel” in Sanskrit) in the body, beginning at the base of your spine and continuing up to the crown of your head. Each of these energy centers corresponds to major nerves within your physical body, as well as your psychological and spiritual state of being. When your chakras are in alignment and fully activated, your intuition will work together with your emotions and your physical body to achieve balance, contentment and happiness within your daily life. It’s essential to pay attention to your chakras and to keep them open in order for energy to move fluidly throughout your body. When there is blockage, energy is unable to flow. Maintaining balance and openness can prove challenging, but with mindfulness and disciplined attention you hold the power to make adjustments and to improve your well being.

The Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra is located in the center of your forehead between your eyebrows and is associated with the color Indigo. When your Third Eye Chakra is balanced, you trust your intuition and are able to see beyond that of the naked eye. You are able to maintain a healthy balance between logic and emotion. You see life and people as they truly are and accept both the light and dark. You operate at a high level of consciousness and are easily able to connect with and intuit messages from others.

When doing Third Eye Chakra work, you should gather your Indigo stones (Lapis Lazuli, Indigo Agate, Peacock Ore, Sodalite, etc.), an indigo candle, and an intuitive blend (e.g., Vision Quest, Priestess, Pythia). Smudge with sage, light your candle, anoint yourself with an high vibrational scent; then, when your mind is focused and clear, repeat the following mantra:

I envision myself in alignment with a divine universal wisdom.

I trust my intuition and follow it with ease.

I have a clear vision of my spiritual path.

I can see the light within every soul.

I am insightful and intuitive.

For deeper guidance, tools, and magical exercises to effectively unblock your Chakras, read my book, The Ultimate Guide to Chakras.