Have you ever felt as though you were looking for love in all the wrong places? Remember that song, Looking…
Author: Lindsay
10 Ways to Honor and Celebrate the Mother Goddess on Earth Day
On Earth Day, we celebrate the great nurturing Mother Goddess. You may observe her as Gaia, Terra, Pachamama, or a…
5 Aromatherapy Recipes for the Overloaded Empath
An empath is someone who deeply feels the energies and emotions of others when out in the world. The empaths…
April’s Libra Full Moon: A Time of Reflection and Balance
Often known as the Pink Moon, this Libra Full Moon of April heralds the first appearance of the moss pink,…
Saturn Retrograde is Here: What Lessons are in Store for You?
It’s impossible to discuss mighty Saturn retrograde without talking about the karmic repercussions associated with this illusionary cosmic phenomenon. Saturn…
The Return of the Light and the First Seedling Sprouts: April Numerology and Power Days
A shift has occurred. It is monumental. It is inevitable. The Wheel of Life never stops or slows down its…
Five Powerful Invocations for Manifestation Magic
When doing manifestation work, it’s important to have the vision, and to be able to hold that vision for exactly…
Passion and Action Abound with the New Moon in Aries
This month’s New Moon in Aries graces us on March 27th. I’ll start by saying this: get ready for all…
Top 5 Essential Oils for Healing with Aromatherapy
If you’ve been with me for awhile, you know that aromatherapy and perfuming are high on my list of passions,…
Crystal Care 101: What Does It Mean When A Crystal Breaks
Are my gemstones aware, sentient, and communicative entities? Although their awareness is more akin to the group thinking that exists…
The Wild Ride Of March’s Virgo Full Moon
On March 12th, we greet a Virgo Full Moon. Perhaps it’s appropriate that this moon is also known an the…
What Is Aromatherapy and How Does It Work?
Aromatherapy is a popular form of alternative medicine, or holistic healing. It is exactly as the name implies – the…
Righteousness, Renewal and Rebirth: March Numerology & Power Days.
As we greet March and the season of spring, we enter a time of rebirth and renewal. So what does…
Venus Retrograde in Aries: What to Expect
Oh sensual Venus, are you going retrograde on me too? The answer, my dear ones, is yes. Let’s say hello…
5 Key Habits of Working Powerful Manifestation Magic
One of the main questions I hear about manifestation magic from people in my communities is this: How can I…
How love magic really works: A message for the broken-hearted
Have you noticed what happens when you look for love? When you chase it, or try to hold it in…
The Spiritual Side of the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show
Each year, people from around the world gather in Arizona for the largest domestic gem show – the Tucson Gem…
Shift Ahead: How to Cope with the Energies you’re Sensing Right Now
There’s a broad and expansive energy shift taking place on our planet right now. It’s so big, so expansive, yet…
What you need to know about 2018 Sage Goddess Classrooms
There are 3 total classrooms available through Sage Goddess. They are Magical Sabbatical, Gem Wise and AroMagic. If you’re enrolled…
9 Tips to Increase the Positive Energy Flow in your Space
As the Lunar/Chinese New Year approaches, a wonderful practice to partake in is the cleansing and purifying of your personal…