July AroMagic 2017 purchase

Welcome to a new month of AroMagic! I am so excited to continue this journey deeper into the world of aromatherapy using herbs and oils with you. No matter if you’re brand new to aromatherapy or knowledgeable and experienced, this class is a place for all to take their knowledge deeper. This month, we will be focusing on herbs and oils for emotional healing, forgiveness, and compassion across all planes (physical, mental, spiritual, auric), which you received wonderful examples of in your AroMagic kits – neroli, spikenard, pink rose buds, and tarragon.

Please note that the oils in your kit, if you purchased it, are undiluted and should be suspended in a carrier oil or lotion base before use on your body. And please do your own research surrounding any personal contraindications, illnesses, or issues you may have. Always check with your doctor, especially if you take any medication.


Neroli – Citrus aurantium, North Africa, Middle East

Zodiac Sign: Aries, Leo

Masculine/Feminine: Both

Element: Air, Fire

Planet: Sun, Uranus

Neroli is an essential oil that absolutely epitomizes all things related to the desires and well- being of the heart. As such, it is an ideal oil to use for love magic and to increase feelings of sensuality and self-love. Neroli comes from the blossoms of the bitter orange tree. Both neroli and orange blossom essential oils are extracted from the same blossom, although orange blossom is sweeter, more floral and warmer than neroli. Neroli is primarily extracted via steam distillation. The name itself was inspired by the duchess of Bracciano and princess of Nerola, Italy, Anne Marie Orsini, who first introduced the fragrance as an ingredient to the perfume she wore on her gloves and in her bath. One of the most desirable oils used in perfumery today, neroli also has many uses as a commercial flavoring ingredient.

Properties of neroli

Neroli can be used to magnify the intensity of tantric sex rituals or for any ritual magic intended to celebrate and exalt the Divine Feminine. At the same time, neroli also possesses sedative, antispasmodic, tranquilizing, and mildly hypnotic properties. The debilitating symptoms of anxiety and depression can be alleviated greatly by massaging this warming oil into the areas surrounding your solar plexus, neck, and temples. Insomniacs can also benefit tremendously from neroli essential oil, as just a few drops of oil in your favorite humidifier can naturally induce deep, restorative sleep. Or try dropping a bit of oil into your warm bath just before bedtime. Neroli is also great for improving circulation, and the oil can be massaged directly into any areas which suffer from poor circulation.

Spikenard – Nardostachys jatamansi, Himalayan Region, Nepal, China, India

Zodiac: Taurus, Sagittarius, Pisces

Masculine/Feminine: Feminine

Element: Water

Planet: Venus

Spikenard, also known as nard, nardin, or muskroot, is a kind of flowering plant that is a member of the Valerian family. Spikenard essential oil has been used since ancient times as perfume, medicine, and for sacred and religious purposes. In fact, there are numerous references to this plant throughout both the Old and New Testament. Spikenard is in fact the oil that Mary used to anoint the feet of Jesus, and it was also a key component of Egyptian embalming ceremonies. The plant itself grows primarily in the Himalayas, in altitudes ranging from three to five thousand meters. It produces a very aromatically intense, amber colored oil that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times. Spikenard was also prized by the ancient Egyptians and Romans, and was revered by the ancient Hebrews as a sacred component of temple services.

Properties of spikenard

Spikenard essential oil is steam distilled from the roots of the plant and is traditionally valued for its uplifting and relaxing properties. Spikenard is also useful for promoting clean, healthy skin. Its woodsy, musky scent makes it an excellent choice for aromatherapy and massage work. It is also an effective antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, laxative and uterine substance. The oil is non-irritating and non-toxic and can even be used as a deodorant for those with sensitive skin. Another important use of spikenard is as a powerful concentration aid. It supports the retention and assimilation of new information and is sometimes referred to as the “Student Oil.”


Pink Rose buds – Rosa, Asia, Europe, North America, Northwestern Africa

Zodiac: Taurus, Cancer

Masculine/Feminine: Feminine

Element: Water

Planet: Venus

Pink rose buds come from the rose plant, which is a perennial, flowering plant that comes from the genus rosa, in the Rosaceae family. Over a hundred different species are currently in cultivation. This group of plants varies tremendously, as the flowers vary greatly in shape, size, and color. Some are erect while others are climbing and trailing. The majority of species are native to Asia, but there are several species which are also native to Europe, North America and the northwest of Africa. Pink roses are all prized for their beauty, swoon worthy aroma, and association with the Goddess. The name itself comes from the French ‘rosé’, which itself is derived from the Latin ‘rosa’.

Properties of pink rose buds

As pink rose buds are associated with the element of water and the planet Venus, they are integral to any ritual that has to do with love magic and prophecy. Pink rose buds can be used in so many ways to attract love. Drop a few rose buds in your bath or carry them with you as you go about your day. Pink rose buds contain a very high concentration of vitamin C. Surprisingly, their vitamin C content is actually far greater than that found in fruits like orange, tomato, and grapefruit. Pink rose buds can be used to brew an effective herbal tea which will not only help fight colds and flus, but which can also help maintain healthy, radiant skin. Rose bud tea can also clear toxic waste from the bladder and kidneys, which can help minimize urinary tract infections and other blockages that are caused by kidney stones. Other benefits include the elimination of toxic substances that have built up in the intestines. Consuming pink rose bud tea can also soothe the central nervous system, improve depression and anxiety, as well as relieve the symptoms of fatigue and insomnia.

Tarragon – Artemisia dracunculus, Eurasia, North America

Zodiac Sign: Aries, Scorpio

Masculine/Feminine: Masculine

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Tarragon, sometimes known as estragon, fuzzy weed, or little dragon, is a perennial herb that comes from the sunflower family. Magically, tarragon brings a rare combination of characteristics that combine raw determination and feelings of expansive love and compassion. It is very widespread throughout much of the Eurasian and North American wilderness. This plant has both culinary and medicinal uses. The plant has an aroma which is similar to anise, and in fact, tarragon is considered one of the four ‘fines herbes’ of French cuisine. The plant can grow to about four feet in height and both its stems and leaves can be used for medicinal purposes, either fresh or dried.

Properties of tarragon

As it is associated with the planet Mars and the element of fire, tarragon brings massive determination and can be used for consecration and to banish unwanted energies. It is a true powerhouse. Tarragon also has antioxidant properties which are known to counteract the effects of free radicals in the body. This plant has a long history as an aid for alleviating toothaches. The ancient Greeks chewed it because of its mouth numbing effects. This numbing effect is due to the eugenol found in tarragon, which is the same pain relieving agent that is found in clove oil. There are numerous scientific studies which suggest that tarragon can increase appetite and aid with digestive functioning. It aids digestion by stimulating the production of bile in the liver. Tarragon also has been known to help relieve upset stomachs, irritable bowels, and dyspepsia. Traditionally, especially in Europe, tarragon leaves were rubbed on the body to attract love and to bring protection.

It’s also worth mentioning that this multi-faceted plant has a mildly sedative effect which helps relieve anxiety and stress.

Bonus: OIL: Tuberose HERB: Hawthorn Berry

Tuberose – Polianthes tuberosa, Mexico

Zodiac: Taurus, Cancer, Libra

Masculine/Feminine: Feminine

Element: Water

Planet: Venus, Moon

Tuberose is a perennial plant which is closely related to the agaves. Tuberose specifically belongs to the asparagaceae family and is largely used in perfumery. Tuberose is a plant native to Mexico, but which also exists in India, Indonesia, Hawaii, and the Philippines. Early Aztec healers referred to it as ‘omixochitl’, which means ‘bone flower’. This is due to the fact that the plant’s white and waxy flowers stand still and rigid. The name tuberose itself is derived from ‘tuberosa’, which is Latin for swelling. This is in reference to the plant’s root system which can be best described as tuberous. Tuberose is a plant which bears the distinction of being known by a wide variety of colorful nicknames, depending on it where it is currently being cultivated. It is known as ‘polianthes’ in Greece, ‘nardo’ or ‘vara de San Jose’ in Mexico, rajanigandha in India, sedap malam in Indonesia, azucena in the Philippines, and kupaloke in Hawaii.

Properties of tuberose

In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, tuberose essential oil has been used to open the Heart Chakra, encourage compassion, grow feelings of love, stimulate psychic sensitivity, as well as facilitate trance work. Further benefits include aphrodisiac, stimulant, sedative, and calmative properties. Tuberose is also said to open the Crown Chakra.

The plant blooms exclusively during the night, which is a distinct characteristic common to all known species of Polianthes. The tuberose plant tends to grow in long, elongated spikes which produce small clusters of aromatic, white flowers.

Hawthorn Berry – Crataegus, Northern Hemisphere, Europe, Asia, North America

Zodiac Sign: Aries, Scorpio

Masculine/Feminine: Masculine

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Hawthorn berries come from the hawthorn tree, which is a kind of tree that belongs to the genus of trees and shrubs in the Rosaceae family. The term hawthorn was originally applied only to those species which were native to northern Europe, but is now applied to the entire genus. The prefix of the word ‘haw’ is an old English term for hedge, which applies to the fruit of the tree. This fruit, or haw, is thought of as berry-like and is edible. Hawthorn berries are consumed in the United Kingdom, China, Mexico, and the United States as drinks, jellies, and alcoholic beverages.

Properties of hawthorn berries

Hawthorn berries are special as they possess both medicinal properties and magical uses. Hawthorn is regarded as sacred by many Pagan religions. The blossoms, which are known as May Flowers, are often used in spring celebrations. It is said that placing hawthorn by your doors and windows will bring spiritual protection.

Hawthorn berries have been used medicinally since the first century. They contain phytonutrients including anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins, which are antioxidants with amazing heart healing benefits. Hawthorn berries, leaves, and blossoms all contain compounds that have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system. These claims have been validated by scientific research which suggests that hawthorn berries provide “significant benefits” when dealing with congestive heart failure, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, low and high blood pressure, angina, atherosclerosis, and high cholesterol.