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Thank you for helping us expand the Sage Goddess community by bringing us into your local shop! We are grateful that you are part of our family, and look forward to being present in your area soon.

Our mission is to connect you with your deep inner wisdom, and to magnify your faith and belief in magic. At Sage Goddess, we believe that our entire planet is connected by an energetic matrix – a matrix that is activated by crystals, gems, essential oils, and organic materials, like beeswax. Using tools to activate the matrix helps us attune to each other, heal our planet, and raise our own vibrational frequency, so that we manifest our individual and collective desires in alignment with the Highest Good of our planet. When our tools come into your city or sacred space, you will experience a profound shift in the energy.

Refer your local boutique to be a Sage Goddess Partner and not only will you have local access to your favorite SG products, but in gratitude we’ll also add 2,500 bonus points to the accounts of the first two referrals after the boutique places their inaugural order. You can redeem those points for any of our online offerings!

Fill out the form below and refer SG to your favorite shop(s).
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